Finance decreased from five career options graduate to be replaced by the opportunities in the retail sector
Picture the scene. You sit around with their classmates and one of them announces. "I worked what I do with the rest of my life I want to join a leading investment bank." A horrified silence ensues. OK, this is perhaps an exaggeration, but it seems that the bad press - to say the least - the banking sector has seen since the 2008 financial crisis has had a psychological effect on many of today's graduates. This is one of the findings of a survey of more than 25,000 graduates released this week by the Institute Trendence to coincide with the TARGETjobs National Awards for graduate recruitment.
If a regular on the career destinations of the top five, banking, financial and insurance this year has been completely removed, with detail - that even in the top 10 in 2011 - the zoom to take place.
"We have not seen any reduction in applications for ourselves, but that's probably the case that the sector as a whole continues to suffer the most extensive coverage of the media, Just as we have seen, "said Gregg Carnaffan, emerging talents and executive recruitment manager at HSBC, who won this year in the category of banking, insurance and financial services prices.
This year, the bank is charging about 450 graduates, and competition remains fierce, with nearly 9,000 applications for the system of retail, commercial and businesses and approximately 17,000 for the banking system investment, he said. "It's probably still a legacy industry view -. If someone went to college in 2009, which was when most banks were to cut the numbers were often recruited, there may be a lag of one to two years of time in these things. "
One reason for the renewed interest in the retail sale may be the enormous amount of job opportunities for a large retail chain, said Carole Donaldson, director of resources at the John Lewis Partnership - Category winner of retail prices. "We saw a 20% increase in applications, with about 14,000 applications for 26 places. We do a lot of work on campus and invest much time and energy for graduates.
"detail is, I think, go into your account. Large retailers now cover many different areas. You can join a graduate program in detail and work online, developing new branches, personnel, legal, finance, purchasing and so on, "she said.
TARGETjobs National Graduate Awards are the most driven Graduate Scholarships, with 25,000 students who took the survey in the world. The awards were presented on April 4, with nearly 1,000 guests gathered at Grosvenor House in London to see who had won 25 trophies.
and global employer of the year - won this year by KPMG - there were 14 industry awards, as determined by the online survey. There were also scholarships to students of the panel, in which a small team of students from SIFE, nonprofit organization of students and businesses, meeting in the offices of the Guardian to decide seven awards including the Rising Star Award ( see below).
AA experience
work, as always, will be one of the key selling points for graduates of this year's winners recruiters say.
"It will be difficult, but I think there are more jobs through examples of work experience is still important -. Although not necessarily be in the same area - as you adapt your application, "said Rob Farace, national director of NHS resources - winner in the public sector." We all know people will ask a lot of places, but be sure to follow instructions and get to the closing date. It is notable number of people traveling up simple things like that, "he added.
Interestingly, despite the financial pressures facing the public sector is the second consecutive year, the most popular choice for graduates.
For the NHS scheme, which this year is taking on 150 graduates about 12,500 applications, the controversial NHS reforms, the government, if any, has managed to attract graduates, Farace said. "There's enthusiasm for the amount of change in the movement. Feels almost like one of those moments that define what people may feel about the politics of it, there is a feeling of being able to lead and shape this change, "he said.
The survey also allowed Trendence interesting conclusions about the spirit and optimism (or lack thereof) of current graduates when it comes to employment. Women were generally more concerned with their careers than men, and most agree that it is "difficult" to get a job during 2012.
concern for universities, only about half of the graduates believed that the course had provided them with the skills necessary to glow in the labor market. And there was a weary acceptance that unpaid internships will probably be a necessary evil to get your foot in the door, almost half of female graduates and more than four in 10 male graduates, saying he would be willing to work at nothing to get a good internship.
A little better news, at least, is that employers seem increasingly to be recognizing that "2:1 or bust" approach, applications can be shortsighted, says Donna Miller, Director of Human Resources in Europe Enterprise Rent-a-Car, which won the special.
The company, which has long defended its right to acquire the graduates of any level, is this year, taking on 750 graduates, and had 22,000 requests, said Miller.
"There are several reasons why people get the title you are and if it's because maybe they had to work to finance their education, additional skills they acquired more attractive to an employer. "But in practice if you have a ratio of 2:1 or more to pass the" computer says no 'syndrome you may need to do some serious footwork, he said .
"It's important to talk to people face to face, we must go in many career fairs and campus events as possible."
share experiences more tips and stars
The Rising Star of the Year is chosen by the panel TARGETjobs elderly. We asked three of the finalists of this year how they are advising graduates to stand out from the crowd.
Chris Peatfield, 23 (winner), Technical Coordinator, Barratt Developments
The labor market was very hard when I got my degree in 2009 from a degree in architecture at the University of Sheffield. So, yes, I took a year off, some of which I spent working at a temp agency, while seeking a job, which taught me a lot and gained a lot of transferable skills.
I joined the graduate program in the evolution Barratt 2010. This is a regime of two years, the first year six of the eight weeks of practical work in various disciplines and the second specializing in a specific field, which for me was the design. You must put your all in all and be excited about what you do. Eight weeks is not much time to make an impression you have to work very hard to understand the business and take every opportunity.
Barratt Developments
invites you to participate in broader issues. I was involved in the volunteer section, which includes working with homeless charity Centrepoint.
with four other graduates also helped me to work with our local district council in green initiatives. He donated trees last winter. It was very cold and I stood there in the snow with something like five pairs of gloves, but it was very rewarding!
However, this summer it will be difficult, but try to find the positive in everything you do, even if it is not related to the area to be in. aa
Notton Eddie, 24, an analyst at JP Morgan
As part of my professional career at the University of Bath has two six-month internship working with the other with HSBC and JP Morgan, through which I arrived on the status of graduates , from September 2010.
are usually two or three rotations. I started in equity derivatives and now I work on the transaction report on the FSA. You must pick up things quickly and have a good eye. We deal with large amounts of data on a daily basis and even a small mistake can have a significant impact.
should try as much as you gain experience, even unpaid internship. Also, do not narrow the options too early. No need to close the doors before you have to.
One thing I've done is enter a competition organized by the bank philanthropy. The idea is that I was browsing through the small change to your employees' wages and give to charity.
Obviously, this is something you can not do much without the agreement and sign, so it's still something that only on the drawing board, but the answer we had to address the issue has been very positive. And it was a great revelation to speak with people on this level.
Andy Bottomley, 24, a specialty retailer of software, IBM
is important in any place or work experience to use your time wisely. In my diploma sandwiched in business and information, Sheffield Hallam University, I did an internship in my third year with IBM, which led me directly to the system of higher education.
I found it really helped me understand what he wanted in the long run. I did so, too, I called a lot of doors and showed great interest in what was people did. It was great exposure for the company.
I am the first graduate who has gone the way of sales. So I put in a new area of ??society, which is a challenge.
What helped me was to get experience. Not necessarily need to be a location, just need to get some exposure to the world of work.
was very welcoming and helped me to establish and understand the goals and just seize the opportunities presented.
TARGETjobs Awards 2012
Rising Star of the Year: Chris Peatfield
AGCAS Award of Excellence from the commitment to career:

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