Korean pop star psy invented "style Gangnam" mocking the pretensions of wealthy citizens of Seoul. Since then, with 700 million views on YouTube, David Cameron, Barack Obama and Ban Ki-moon, learned movements. But who is he, and he can teach Jay Rayner? Hey sexy lady ...
. Video: Watch Jay Rayner Psy teach moves
Learn to dance like a horse is very, very difficult, even if you have a good teacher - and mine is the best in the world. He is stocky, soft-cheeked 34-year-old Korean man wearing a tuxedo bright co-respondent shoes without socks and enough to believe Makeup-Katie Price as an ambassador for the natural look. Psych Psycho court - whose real name is Park Jae-sang - is the biggest pop star on the planet right now. He is credited with the destruction of cultural barriers for the world of dance. I should be in good hands. The clip of her song "Gangnam Style", published in July, is officially the most "wanted" never in YouTube - 5m hours and counting. It is the second most watched after Justin Bieber "Baby", with over 700 million page views (and counting. Everything in this story is moving forward). He went to No. 1 in 28 countries. It is entirely in Korean.
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The track, brazenly mocking the pretensions of those who wrongly associated with modes and styles Gangnam Seoul sprauncy - a kind of South Korea, Beverly Hills - what has been called a " peacekeeping force in the world, "Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Not bad for a bunch of dance moves involving an accessory with his legs like a horse, his hands crossed at the wrists as if holding the reins, followed by a whipping action. Flash Mobs 30,000 people danced Gangnam style. Boris Johnson said Gangnam style danced with David Cameron at Chequers weekend. Barack Obama promised Michelle Gangnam dance style to the White House. This is the way to keep a relationship alive.
Therefore, Psy was called to teach dance to others. He taught Britney Spears. He taught Justin Bieber. And now the poor devil must teach me a man who, when they handed the feet, was clearly in line with the brand "fish." We are in the middle of a ballroom at the Dorchester Hotel in London, followed by his entourage and a team of photographers and video there to record the moment for posterity not thank us for the effort. He shows me the double jump from one foot to the other, a random rhythm that must be mastered before crossing into dolls games. Levanto copy on the right foot, and ...
But let us stop here for now, standing in the middle of an empty ballroom, I lifted one foot twisted inward, Psy me as if I'm afraid of falling. (I May) Is a few hours ago, we met at the headquarters of the BBC Radio 1 roadshow Psy and just roll into town. The day before, he spoke to students at the Oxford Union, in English he learned during four years of study in the United States. You now have a shiny limousine, a herd of paparazzi objective tumescent and a crowd of fans waiting.
left South Korea a month ago, in an international tour that took confess surprise. He uploaded the video to YouTube on July 15. In the days since the talk on Twitter Robbie Williams, Katy Perry and Tom Cruise. Would he get a management contract with Scooter Braun, who also manages Justin Bieber, and countless parodies on YouTube spawn. Among them is a tail coat "style Eton" by the students of the school, the other by a group of Klingons, a "Jewish style" and almost inevitably grinding together "Gangnam Style" with Hitler in the scene his bunker movie Downfall
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Psy hear interviewed on radio and television during our time together, and as expected, there will be a series of lines of action which again, is no less true for repetition. "I do not call that success," says DJ Scott Mills, a journalist from Radio 1
, Jonathan Ross and finally to me. "It is a phenomenon. This is not for me. 'S Made by the people. "
He knows the difference. The fact is that all Psy may be new to many of us, success is nothing new to him. "The style of Gangnam" is a single from her sixth album. Took it topped the charts in South Korea for a dozen years, which means that the character has been unleashed on the world - is a character - is fully formed.'s important is to understand the character, how you start from people who claim to be intelligent in the way it is perceived in Gangnam, where he grew Psy.
The success of the last song has been hailed by many as a break-out to the K-Pop, a particular brand of brilliant music, brilliant and is largely dominate the Asian charts. Unless the K-Pop exploded long ago. Driven by the power of social media, K-Pop acts such as rain, Wonder Girls and SM city has filled the largest stadiums in the United States since 2006. Similarly, while Psy is Korean pop music is certainly not common K-Pop. In a very conservative society, most K-Pop artists are prepared by a renowned celebrity school - dance lessons, singing lessons, how to deal with the media - before the audience erupted in a safe very strong calibrated to offend as few people as possible.
Mills asked what he thinks later. Psy says it will do another album, but only half in English. The rest remain in Korea. The fact is that a number of K-Pop bands tried to penetrate global markets, singing in English and simply does not work. "I made no effort to get there," he said. "The next time you do it on purpose. Kept'm If well. I feel the pressure."
He receives a certificate from the
Guinness World Records for the most beloved video on YouTube. Psy says is the first certificate that has already received, and we believe that this is not entirely a joke.
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