Special Report: t
More than four decades of pioneering, Born to Fail report highlighted the extent of child poverty in the United Kingdom. Since then, despite promises by successive governments, things have only gotten worse. Where now for the next generation?
summer of 1969, the year of the moon landing, the first flight of Concorde and the beginning of the civil war in Northern Ireland. The Beatles on stage a gVirt_NP_NN_NNPS __
latter figure is Born to Fail? innovative examination of the experience of children at the end of the tail of the 60 product by the National Bureau for children.released in 1973 with great fanfare the media, compared to
Time magazine and had a galvanizing effect politicians. The instigator of Labour, Barbara Castle, was quoted fragments of it in the House of Commons Born To Fail? was credited with a formative influence on Gordon Brown, who later will eradicate child poverty by 2020, a key objective of the Labour government. Fast forward 40 years, many things have changed. Nobody goes to the moon, Concorde flies over. The Beatles and the problems are problems for historians. But despite the best intentions successive governments, child poverty and inequality continue to blight the lives of millions. And according to the office in a new snapshot of the poor in Britain, in some ways, things are worse than they were. growing prosperity decades have seen an average increase of housing prices to nearly ? 171,000, but now it is estimated that 3.6 million children live in relative poverty. The new agency report, higher expectations , to be published this week. Commissioner to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the charity, which traverses the same ground as his influential predecessor and comes after a series of missed targets in the fight against child poverty.Brown goal
2020 proved impossible. An intermediate goal of reducing the number of children living in poverty by a quarter by 2005 was not achieved.Act 2010, which had the support of all parties and accepted by the ruling coalition,
result of childhood poverty has created a new commitment to reduce the proportion of children living in poverty on less 10% in 2020.authors report whether these objectives do not go far enough. They ask, "Do we want every child has the same opportunities in life, regardless of the means of their parents it is important to know if the child is so uneven and growth experiences for children are as polarized as one of the world's richest nations? we have higher expectations and aspirations of our children? " Obviously, politicians agree that the answer to these questions must be yes anger arises. In 2008, David Cameron said that "what we know in our hearts that the creation of a good society for children to grow up in one of the greatest tests of character of a nation." But the findings of the new report suggests that the UK is a failure of the test and argued that politicians should be more ambitious. "Far from improving over time, the current situation seems to be better than it was five years ago," the report said. frontline figures jumping in the report includes claims that: ? The number of children in relative poverty - defined as those living in families with incomes below 60% of median income after housing costs were taken into account in the - increased by 1.5 million since 1969 ? A child from a disadvantaged background is still much less likely to succeed in their GCSE 16 in a privileged home. ? Children living in disadvantaged neighborhoods are more likely to be obese than those living in affluent areas.
? Children from disadvantaged backgrounds are more likely to suffer accidental injuries in the home.
? Children living in the most deprived areas are less likely to have access to green spaces and places to play. These divisions have consequences for the entire structure of society, the agency said. "This creates a" them and us "society more tensions," the report warns. "We simply can not let a lot of the next generation of the nation to cut adrift, adding that the draft law on the well-being and allow talents desperately need broken ". The world has changed in recent years between the time the reports were published, and definitions make comparisons problematic.
However, the agency insists that "collected data from official sources," which "provides a reasonable comparison with the results of
Born to Fail ? nicely, for purposes of comparison, the number of children in the UK - about 13 million -. Has remained virtually unchanged since 1969
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