Former Cuban president seems fragile, but hey, the pictures posted on the government website
Photographs of Fidel Castro apparently fragile but well, were published in a government Web site of Cuba on Thursday, following recent rumors that the former president of 85 years, was seriously ill or died.
Castro, who had been out of sight for two months, is shown in what appeared to be his home in Havana to discuss Venezuela's state television commentator Mario Silva, who said he Cuba had come to put to rest false reports about Castro's health.
"Those who are now enjoying and believing that Fidel had a stroke, I'm sorry to inform you that is alive," Silva said in a video of his TV show in Hojilla Cubadebate website, as well as images of Castro.
The program supports Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and routinely lambastes its critics.
Silva Castro said photographs were taken during an interview with him in Havana on Tuesday.
They showed Castro with gray hair, wearing a white jacket and green pants, sitting, standing, smiling and gesturing at the interview.
few photos showing him wearing a wide brimmed soft hat green camouflage.
They were the first glimpses of Castro since he had appeared in early July in the videos with his friend, Mr. Chavez when he received treatment for cancer in Cuba.
Reflections Thursday, the president of the Cuban Parliament, Ricardo Alarcon told reporters that Castro did it well.
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