Conditions for the rest of the inhabitants of the city of deterioration even in the hands of those who are loyal to Gaddafi, said Dr.
residents caught in the struggle for the Libyan city of Sirte coast were left without basic medical supplies and the use of contaminated drinking water to survive when conditions deteriorate, a Libyan doctor who was city ??for weeks, he said.
Assouri Dr Siraj, who was traveling from Sirte, about Misrata, said: "The conditions were getting worse There is no medication for heart disease or blood pressure or baby milk or layers .. there is very little water that is drinkable. Water contaminated with oil residues. Our forces are close to the center, but other areas still controlled by Gaddafi loyalists who were in the placing a very strong fight. still control 40% of the city. "
His comments came in a cease-announced by the forces of the new government brought a lull in the fighting and hundreds of city residents have, whose normal population is about 100,000, to exit through the queues at checkpoints. The truce of two days should be followed by a frontal attack against the positions still held by the Pro-Gaddafi in an attempt to bring the war in the country to a definitive conclusion.
residents, many of them supporters of former leader of the country, confirmed the grim story of life inside Sirte. Some blamed the NATO air strikes continued civilian casualties because of Sirte.
"The campsite before the revolutionary people of Sirte have two days to leave the city, allowing the evacuation of large numbers of civilians," said the head of the National Transitional Council Mustafa Abdel Jalil. The truce was declared by the new transitional authority in Libya, saying he had ordered a halt operations to allow civilians to flee before launching a final assault.
The description of conditions in Sirte follows a warning on the weekend by a team of the International Red Cross, a humanitarian crisis. The team was able to deliver body bags and wounded war games, but was unable to enter the main hospital itself on Saturday - despite negotiating a safe passage by both parties -. Because of the fighting that erupted
last week, the Defense Ministry announced that the Libyan port of Tripoli, airport and military base under their control.
Rubaie said the fighters had taken control of the first residential area of ??Sirte and a hotel where Gaddafi snipers were based. "There is heavy fighting going on in the streets of Sirte, right now," he said. "The enemy is under siege from the south, east and west, but always in possession of highly sophisticated weapons and a large quantity of ammunition. "
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