One of the strangest games to be announced so far this year troops , manga style
Lost Planetspin-off for the 3DS and PS3. After Lost Planet 2 not burn the world, many people thought the series was over. Instead, we get both the rough and sand Lost Planet and colorful romp. What?
Some demanding (or paranoid) fans guessing that EX troops is actually the reanimated corpse of aa Mega Man Legends 3 . The fact that both games are cel-shaded, the third-person shooters for 3DS was the first red flag. Then there was the opinion shared by at least two ways a very similar character design. I see no other specific gameplay Mega Man Legends 3 (red hot shots, wall switches, shorykens) in Troopers
far, but if none of this appears in the game on the line, you can expect
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