The rivalry between the unions on strike in the mine Marikana relive four days after the monument to miners killed by police
Violencereturned to the mine where 34 miners were Lonmin shot by police in southern Africa earlier this month.
Police Monday reported a new outbreak of attacks on platinum mine owned listed company in London, which envisages an urgent rights following the controversy.
long rivalry between the mining unions rekindled four days after a memorial to remember the 44 miners who died during the two weeks of violence in Marikana Lonmin mine near Johannesburg.
miners on strike, demanding triple his salary, threatened and assaulted other workers in their attempt to go down the mine, according to reports from the scene. Alfonso Mofokeng, a minor Lesotho, told the AFP news agency: "We are aware that some people have returned to work, we observed that behavior, and we arrive at a plan for dealing with it."
Monday, about 2,000 of the impressive rock drillers, some carrying sticks and whips, gathered near the site of the "slaughter Marikana" where police shot and killed 34 miners on strike worst outbreak of violence the police that the end of apartheid. Five armored vehicles and a police helicopter were monitoring the situation. In comparison, Lonmin CEO Ian Farmer, who is gravely ill in the hospital, received salary and bonus of £ 1.2 million last year.
Lonmin last week promoting his CFO Simon Scott farmers executive action until recovery. The FTSE100 miner also admitted that the violation of their loan commitments by the financial impact of the strike, forcing the union talks with banks to discuss an urgent matter of human rights.
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