Karachi attack following a vaccination ban Taliban in the tribal areas of the country, bordering Afghanistan
Pakistan against polio was thrown into chaos after a foreign doctor was killed in the southern port city of Karachi, a day after the Taliban reiterated the prohibition of vaccination tribal areas the country.
Three days national vaccination campaign began on Monday, but the administration of the Pakistani Taliban banned in some parts of the tribal area bordering Afghanistan, leaving 300,000 children at risk. Last year, Pakistan was the country with the highest number of polio cases.
had a severe reaction against vaccination against polio and other diseases, as the CIA used a Pakistani doctor, Shakil Afridi, set up a fake vaccination program to cover stalking Osama bin Laden in the northern city of Abbottabad in north-west province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Pashtun ethnic a conservative, are mostly in the province and the tribal region.
"Shakil Afridi factor had an impact. Everywhere Pakistan No, but in some areas in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pashtun community. Communities Again some Pashtuns of Karachi," said Shahnaz Wazir Ali, Advisor to the Prime Minister, who is in charge of the campaign to eradicate polio.
"But certainly moves away, because we go through the campaign. We say that [Shakil Afridi story] is a complete failure, not to deprive your child safe safe and healthy life because of what Shakil Afridi did. "
Disclosure regarding prejudice against Afridi falls exacerbated polio, and many believe they are a Western plot to sterilize Muslims.
Afridi was charged with trying to collect a DNA sample from the house where the CIA suspects the al-Qaeda leader lived. A team of U.S. special forces killed bin Laden in the house in May last year. Humanitarian organizations around the world have condemned the use of medical coverage espionage.
Pakistan, Nigeria and Afghanistan are the only countries where polio is endemic. Pakistan aims to vaccinate 34 million children under five years in the campaign, which runs until Wednesday. So far this year, the number of polio fell to a record last year was nearly 200 new cases. Tribal area, officially known as the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), is the most difficult for polio workers.
last month, two senior Pakistani Taliban commanders who control much of South Waziristan and North Waziristan tribal area at a time, issued a ban on vaccination against polio. Polio has stopped working also in the districts of Khyber Agency, another part of the tribal area, under the command of another Islamist warlord.
Pakistani officials are in talks with the militants on the ban, but could not be reversed before the vaccination campaign, so that the campaign was postponed to Monday.
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