human rights activists are increasingly concerned that funds for the fight against drug trafficking provides indirect support to a judicial system that is dedicated to what has been described as "a killing proportions amazing '
Vakilabad In prison, north of Iran, there is a long beam that can last up to 60 nooses. Convicts are to be made in the feces, which are then further kicks. Vakilabad record of 89 points in one day.
The actual number of people executed in Iran is impossible to quantify, especially for those convicted of drug offenses, but it is clear that there is a large gap between official figures and reality. In 2010, Iranian authorities acknowledged that 172 people were executed for drug offenses. However, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is aware of credible reports suggesting that the real figure could be at least 590.
During the 12 months to November last year, there were at least 600 executions, according to Amnesty International, 81% were drug offenses.
and between human groups increasingly vocal human rights, the problem now is that the United Kingdom has inadvertently helped fuel the killing machine.
There is no shortage of death penalty. It is estimated that up to 4,000 Afghans were sentenced to death in Iran only to drug trafficking. There are reports that some were executed without trial and the others are smaller. Groups rights to say that many of those executed are the poorest in society. Some are women. Many detainees have been tricked into possession of drugs for others.
A man who was killed is believed to have been Haj Basir Ahmed, an Afghan of 40 years, hanged in the prison of Taybad. September 15, 2011 He called his family, at eight o'clock in the evening to say he had heard that he was to be executed in the next hour. His family has heard from, and his body was not returned because Iran demands £ 10,000 for the return run. His is a typical case, say human rights.
draconian treatment as pawns in the drug has little or no support in the United Kingdom, which has abolished the death penalty in 1969. The Foreign Minister, William Hague, described the human rights situation in Iran "shameful". However, it was found that the United Kingdom has provided indirect support to Iranian judiciary involved in the Amnesty described as a "massacre of gigantic proportions."
why the death toll is rising in Iran is open to conjecture. Some believe that the Iranian authorities are nervous about the Arab Spring and use the drug laws as an excuse to eliminate their opponents. But there is a greater willingness of Iran to counter drug trafficking, which authorities say has led to 1.2 million addicts. According to the annual report of the Iran Drug Control, in 2011 there was a "41% increase in the arrest of drug traffickers and distributors." The report indicates that some 8,000 foreign nationals have been arrested for drug trafficking in 2010 and 2011.
the border with Afghanistan, responsible for 93% of global opium production, Iran faces a major challenge in the fight against human trafficking. These efforts received a boost with the introduction of 200 sniffer dogs at airports and ports. Attacks attributed to dogs increased from 23,912 kg in 2010 to 42.500 kg in 2011.
is understood that much of the money promised for the program was distributed to another project outside of Iran. However, the documents reveal that the UNODC has provided the model for the "National Programme for the period 2011-2014 Iran", which suggests he has left an impact.