วันเสาร์ที่ 24 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Pakistan army rejects US findings on border attack

U.S. investigation concluded

errors on both sides led to U.S. air strikes Pakistani troops killed 24

The Pakistani military has rejected a U.S. research found that the errors on both sides led to U.S. air strikes last month that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers and relationships severely damaged already strained relations between the two countries.

The response indicates that the report did little to ease tensions, a worrying development for the United States because Pakistan cooperation is essential for the war in Afghanistan. The Pakistani army said its troops did nothing wrong and said that the attack was a deliberate act of aggression.

Pakistan responded by closing its border with Afghanistan, supplies for NATO troops in Afghanistan and launched the United States a base used by U.S. drones. NATO officials said the closure of the supply route has not affected operations yet, but not the time.

The Pakistani army said it "disagrees with the results of the investigation into the USA / NATO, as reported in the media" in a brief statement Friday. "The investigation report is short on facts," he said.

The army gave a detailed response after officials received the report. Pakistan has refused to cooperate with the investigation.

Although U.S. officials on Thursday accepted some blame for the attack on two army posts along the border with Afghanistan and expressed her sadness at the death, who apologized for the incident, as many Pakistanis have demanded. Instead, the U.S. said its forces were attacked first in the leadership positions and exercise "appropriate force" in self-defense.

Brigadier General Stephen Clark, an Air Force special operations official who led the research, also said in a Pentagon report that U.S. forces did not know that two parts of Pakistan relatively new - the replacement structures built with gray stone stacked -. was established on the border

Pakistanis have disputed these points, saying that his troops did not shoot first and had been given maps of NATO clearly indicated on the outposts located on a mountain in the area Mohmand tribal.

acknowledged that the U.S. had not informed the Pakistan U.S. commandos and Afghan led operation in Afghanistan overnight, 25-26 November, when the attack occurred. American commanders and NATO believe that some of its military operations was compromised when he gave details and places the Pakistanis, he said.

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