วันอังคารที่ 27 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Starbucks concerned world coffee supply is threatened by climate change

sustainability Starbucks chief Jim Hanna said the coffee giant has pushed the Obama administration to few results

Forget super-sizing in the thirty years from now:. Starbucks is warning of a threat to the world's supply of coffee due to climate change

In a telephone interview with The Guardian, Jim Hanna, Director of the sustainability of the company, told its farmers were already the effects of climate change, hurricanes, severe and more resistant to insects reduces crop yields.

The company is preparing for the possibility of a serious threat to global supplies. "What we really see a company that you look 10, 20, 30 years later - if conditions continue as they are - is a potentially important to our supply chain, which is the Arabica coffee bean" Hanna said.

was the second warning in less than one month of a threat to a food that many people can not live without it.

new research from the International Center for Tropical Agriculture said it would be too hot for chocolate grow in much of the Ivory Coast and Ghana, the main producers of the world for 2050.

Hanna told The Guardian, suppliers of the company, found mainly in Central America, were already experiencing changes in precipitation patterns and major pests.

Although well established have seen a decline in crop yields, and may well discourage the cultivation of coffee producers in the future supply even more restrictive, he said. "Even in the coffee plantations and well established firm, we have heard stories of more and more impact."

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