World AIDS Day, the Global Fund collapses. No money means more million people in sub-Saharan Africa and beyond risk
Thirty years ago, in New York and San Francisco, a small number of young people have become seriously ill inexplicable. Some had a particular cancer while others had a form of pneumonia that had never been disturbed before this age. Their immune systems have been killed, their bodies can not fight, and died. They were the first documented cases of AIDS, a new disease that terrorize entire populations, such as hit by the rich and poor, famous and void. Rock Hudson. Freddie Mercury. Arthur Ashe. And thousands whose names were known only to those who loved them.
Today, World AIDS Day, the disease remains incurable - but not insurmountable. After years of intense scientific work, large sums of money, and some of the most effective health campaigns ever seen, people who are infected with HIV can live a normal life, although medication daily. In most comfortable in the UK, the U.S. and Europe just heard about it. However, among the poor and the marginalized, the numbers keep growing.
sub-Saharan Africa has been the target of the campaign "for over 10 years. For a large global recognition, the rate of infection and death was reduced by drugs that were previously exclusive property of Rich countries have launched low-cost versions produced in the developing world.
The good news is that this year, scientists have now tentatively offered us a way to stop AIDS. Studies in recent months have shown that drugs that keep people alive also prevent infecting others. A man is in a standard combination of three antiretroviral drugs is 96% less likely to transmit HIV to their partner. These new delighted all those who work against AIDS.
three weeks ago, Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State, fueled the enthusiasm, the offer to lead the world toward the goal of "AIDS-free generation." Politicians choose their battles. science, he said, had shown that this is a win, with drugs to prevent people from infecting their partners, the same drugs to prevent mothers from transmitting the virus to their babies during childbirth, and male circumcision, which also reduces the risk for men.
Malawi, a country that has done wonders against HIV / AIDS. Over 90% of its funds from the Global Fund. He managed to put 76% of all those who need the treatment, care decentralization for nurses rather than doctors can begin to manage your medications. Who wants to start all pregnant women to drugs for life, rather than providing a short course after delivery.