a local center will lose £ 240,000 in the last line of attacks on education and services for deaf people in the region
Last week it was announced that Bristol Deaf Center, which celebrates 125 years serving the deaf community two years ago, has lost £ 240,000 worth of city funds to Bristol. This money paid for their core funding, service equipment and special projects. Consequently, the center faces closure, with staff who worked there for years served with pink slips.
This comes on the back of the University of Bristol's decision a year ago (despite a campaign that won international support) to cut a key course in the Centre for Deaf . This year, the number of students for the baccalaureate education of deaf and ceased, therefore, by the year 2013, the number of employees in deaf studies - many of whom are highly qualified with years of experience in their field, they deaf - is set to decline by over 75%. This is an innovation, a research center of world renown who was the first in Britain to conduct research on sign language for 30 years.
aa We are only beginning to understand how the cuts affect services to deaf people across the country, more clearly on this online map of the National Society for Deaf Children (NDCS) showing cuts local authorities for education services for deaf children. But we have never seen so many cuts bite into one place, and so fast.cuts and attempts may be an anomaly, a quirk of the series of decisions that came to earth in the same place at the same time. But now there is no fear in the world of the deaf in place may be just the beginning. Deafness in his heart affects communication. Are the cuts in services for deaf people considered easier to cut when they reach the people who use sign language or lip reading to communicate, and can therefore be seen as less likely to be able to express their concerns to the media and the world? As seen services, jobs, places and institutions are under threat and loss, very few deaf people, both in Bristol and elsewhere, and expect to escape the impact of cuts free .
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