Survey U.S. Federal Trade Commission's antitrust review the heart of Google search, commercial advertising, reports say
U.S. regulators are about to launch a formal investigation to determine whether Google has abused its dominant position in the Web, according to reports.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is days away from serving subpoenas on the Internet giant in what could be the largest survey to date company research companies, according with the Wall Street Journal. Google and the FTC declined to comment.
extensive research on Google has been discussed for months. Google has faced several probes of the competition in recent years, and already the subject of similar research in Europe. In U.S. surveys have so far been largely limited to examinations of mergers and acquisitions.
The research will examine the heart of Google search, commercial advertising, and the source of most revenue for Google. Google is about two-thirds of Internet searches in the U.S. (And about 90% in the UK) and according to critics unfairly use this area for their own growing network services.
last November, the European Commission has opened its own formal investigation into allegations that Google discrimination competing services in its search results and prevented some sites use Google ads competitors.
"This is a headache for Google, even if you ultimately prevail in court," said Professor Christopher Yoo University of Pennsylvania Law School. "Information U.S. and the EU share of research and often can be very effective double. "
Yoo said: "The reality is that changes in U.S. antitrust laws have become much more difficult for the government to prevail."
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