วันอังคารที่ 7 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Invest the 4G auction windfall in British science and technology | Imran Khan

We are a world leader when it comes to scientific discovery. We will use the proceeds to a knowledge economy 4G

The Government released its innovation and research strategy for growth, promising technical measures to help rebalance the UK economy. The gilt-edged opportunity to do so, however, instead of just talking about it will fall into the laps of the coalition next year.

The upcoming launch of the fourth generation (4G) mobile phone - an auction of radio spectrum for mobile operators - means a windfall of billions of pounds to the government. And if Mr Cameron and Osborne are serious about an economy based on the discovery and invention, not only debt and finance, the extraordinary should be reinvested in the British science and engineering.

shadow foreign minister, Ed Balls, was recorded this week to discuss the decision of Labour to use the proceeds from the 3G auction in 2000 to help pay the national debt, recalling that as a sensible decision that time opposed by the Conservatives. No doubt, George Osborne, will be invited to use the product in the same way this time, but at the same time an amount of about £ 3,000,000,000 would have negligible impact on the direct debt of the United Kingdom, which could be an economic set change by investing in science and engineering. We need to start having this discussion now.

At a time of economic crisis and pessimism, it is easy to forget that the UK remains a world leader when it comes to scientific discovery. We beat almost all other nations hands down, with only the U.S. has a better record of certain measures. This force must be used as the basis of our economic recovery.

was 19th century Scottish scientist James Clerk Maxwell, who first predicted the existence of the radio, almost as a byproduct of their equations, showing that light, electricity and magnetism was part the same underlying phenomenon - electromagnetism. These equations have been explored by artists like Hertz, Bose, and Nikola Tesla, who showed that invisible radio waves could be used to send and receive information.

But it was the Italian businessman, Guglielmo Marconi, who eventually sold the technology. The Marconi Company opened the world's factory radio first in England, and made the first transatlantic radio transmission. Marconi innovations have helped the development of television, radar, and, finally, the mobile phone.

The reason we still see cost reduction and telephony equipment of today, with speeds higher and higher and capabilities, is that scientists and engineers are always innovating . So today, we are gradually introducing digital television to the detriment of the analog - switch parts free radio spectrum that large mobile companies are vying for the purpose of using the new faster 4G mobile standard. The technology promises broadband speeds wirelessly delivered to smartphones.
as advanced telecommunications - or even other British developments such as the World Wide Web or the discovery of DNA structure - Open the door to a new set of technologies. As a nation, the UK is in a unique position to develop and produce their counterparts in the 21 th century, but we need a clear political support for that to happen. Germany 4G spectrum auction this year, raising ? 4 billion - if a similar amount was invested in science in the United Kingdom and engineering, which could put our knowledge economy

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