Britain will experience water shortages and floods at the end of the century if temperatures are not checked, the test sample
Approximately 18 million people in Britain have more water shortages and 160 000 will be affected by coastal flooding by the end of the century if temperatures are controlled, according to a new analysis of the Met Office.
But new projections of precipitation probably soil moisture and evaporation suggest that farmers in Cornwall, north of Scotland, should benefit from warmer temperatures, seasons longer growing and fewer frosts can be expected from climate change, the report said.
data, which was launched at UN climate talks in Durban, shows the 24 countries included in the report have warmed since 1960 and the frequency of extremely hot temperatures have increased, while that very cold temperatures, have become less frequent.
The authors emphasized that it was not possible to rely on rainfall patterns in the future in Britain, but said it was more than 35 "unusually warm "days per year in the last decade than in the early 1960s.
"The lives of millions of people could change forever. This makes the challenge of reducing emissions increasingly urgent," said the UK climate and energy secretary, Chris Huhne.
Keith Allott, head of climate change WWF UK, said: "It is clear that the UK can expect significant changes in water, transport and other critical infrastructure, but we must also remember that the developing countries. be much affected by the devastating threat of climate change for food security and water. "Said