วันพุธที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Australian military lets women into frontline roles

women who can meet the requirements will be admitted to positions such as infantry and diving creatinine clearance

In a historic step in the armed forces of Australia, women are allowed to risk their lives alongside male soldiers and serve on the front. In a move described as "a significant change and cultural importance" of the Australian Army to eliminate all gender barriers in the next five years and women will be able to take on roles that were once considered too dangerous.

most countries allow women to serve in the military, but only a small number allowed to fight on the frontline, including Canada, New Zealand, Denmark, Finland , France, Italy and Germany.

Women who met the same physical and psychological strict criteria required of men would be able to work in the most dangerous features of the firm, after Australia approved the measure, said Minister of Defence, Stephen Smith.

"It's just put it in the minds of those who are best placed to do the job, regardless of gender," he said. "In the future its role in the Defence Force determined their ability, not on the basis of gender, "said Smith.

"The changes will be introduced over a period of five and a half years of implementing the program would ensure that" there is no lowering of standards, "he said.

"This is a significant change and cultural importance," he said. "That's why I prefer to err on the side of caution in the expression of [the application] in five years."

mean the end of the exemption from the Act on the Defence Force of gender discrimination in Australia, with women able to take jobs such as mine clearance divers, guards Air Force and Defense infantry and artillery positions of the first line, which represents 17% of positions in the Australian Army.

Currently, 93% of positions in the Australian Defence Force are open to women, but 7% of women excluded "simply on the basis of gender," said Smith.

The move could see the output of the commands in the special forces and the roles that women are not excluded. "If a woman is capable of doing the program or enter the SAS command, then it will be in it," said Smith.

Australian forces, including women, is still available in multinational operations, confirmed. Australia has 1550 troops in Afghanistan as part of the mission by the United States there. "We will have our soldiers deployed as possible or potential integrated to third parties or third countries on the basis of their capacity and ability, not on the basis of sex," he said. Smith was unable to say whether Australian forces fighting in Uruzgan province in Afghanistan are women before retiring from the army in 2014, but said he knew of an Australian Army squad that was the best opportunity for women.
"Today is the prohibition and prevention of being a sniper in Afghanistan," said Smith. "Why do we eliminate the possibility that the best move a team to play this role? "

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