shows what would happen if market forces were brought to the NHS
Even for the athlete, the sport is labeled for easy navigation. After losing a match, three answers are available to you. There are tearful despair. "It's gutting," you say, while sitting on a wall of logos of multinational companies. "We gave 110%." Tighten to resolve the open mouth ". We must leave behind and focus on next week "or buttoned to anger, who objected to comment on the referee's decisions tough, clear that while" they have changed the course of the game. " And it makes the menu. I trawl the YouTube video of John Terry on the match of the day the moans softly, "I am old, I am old, I'll use the bottom of my trousers rolled." But the network has found nothing .
Debrett What I advise you not to tell the depths of defeat is as follows: ". Not only spent £ 35 000 in the toilet" However, last week it emerged that the star rugby, said that - and not just any old game, but in the locker room just after England had been drawn against France and was breaking the World Cup last month
This comment was one of the most amazing in the Times published in its official documents disclosed the chaotic performance of England in New Zealand. Even for those who do not care anything about rugby, the reports are fascinating.
After all, it was more like a sports competition in an endless freshers week ", with all charges of cheating for bungee jumping and excessive alcohol consumption during the" Week Midget Loco-end. "Indeed, the documents provide sufficient material management failure here to keep all of the Harvard Business School occupied by future periods.
travel the whole debacle is an obsession with money. "It was rather to get cash and the peaks which is better," one of the team groans. Just before flying to New Zealand, the players revolted on wages - and some to leave the field work for the sponsors. Even the bodyguards of the team is rumored to speculate how much money you can pay the tabloids for photos of the night, Mike Tindall is out.
Cue media outrage to a national team to behave like a bunch of greedy bankers. But it is a blunder sport becomes something completely different: a parable about how people's attitudes to work and change money when they are paid for results. If you wonder about the effect of bringing market forces in health services, for example, or any other public service, and then have a good look at Twickenham.
This is not an extension of the horrors of marketing: Clive Woodward could talk about how many professional rugby players can do. But pay is changing the way we approach both their work and their colleagues, so that the usual arguments do not expect the market.
And the thing about the adoption of market relations is moving to our behavior and social norms. Child care centers in Haifa, Israel, for example, had a big problem with parents are late picking up their children. Teachers have never charged for newcomers - until two researchers believe that the adoption of a fee for each child at the end
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