estimated 10 million surveillance cameras were installed in China last year, raising concerns of human rights
Beijing police ordered supermarkets and shopping malls to install high definition security cameras, as China continues its massive expansion of surveillance technology.
The country has added millions of surveillance cameras in the past five years, as part of an overall increase in spending on domestic security.
In May, Shanghai announced that a team of 4000 to monitor your diet to ensure vigilance at the cover of the clock. The southwestern Chongqing Municipality announced plans to add 200,000 cameras in 2014 because "310,000 digital eyes are not enough."
Urumqi, which saw vicious ethnic violence in 2009, 17 000 to install high-definition cameras to test the riots last year to ensure the "perfect" monitoring. The rapid development of Inner Mongolia plans to have 400,000 units in 2012. In the city of Changsha, Furong District apparently has only 40,000 -. One for every 10 inhabitants
There are cameras in the streets and in shops, in the classrooms of the university and outside the gates of the dissidents. In March, Beijing has raised concerns in the arts where he discussed plans to spend $ 5.57m yuan cameras to monitor performance in areas such as cinemas and theaters.
China is not unique: Britain could be said to have led the world in the use of surveillance cameras. However, China welcomed with particular enthusiasm.
IMS Research, a consulting firm focused on electronics, predicted annual growth of over 20% in China between 2014 and last year, and less than 10% elsewhere.
Bo Zhang, senior research analyst at IMS estimates that more than 10 million cameras were installed in China in 2010. The company estimates that spending reached $ 680 million last year for the entire market - including systems - hit worth $ 1.7 billion
Much of what is in the private sector, but the initiative in Beijing - the flight and the target of food poisoning, police said - shows how managers are increasingly ordering companies to install cameras and private networks to connect with an official
authorities are also investing heavily in new public projects. While some areas have gone much further than others, national security safety plan for the city intends to cover urban China with large networks.
internal security spendingNicholas Bequelin, Asia researcher at Human Rights Watch, said: "As the surveillance cameras are problematic, even in democratic societies, there are large balances, such as independent courts, the laws of confidentiality rules on length of stay and information through which legal proceedings can be found, as well as independent media and NGOs guards.
"None of these safeguards are in China, which raises the very real possibility of an Orwellian society -. In which citizens are constantly monitored, even in his private life "
Although many of these images can be viewed in real time, can be stored for later retrieval. The authorities are also seeking ways to automate the data analysis. Using high quality cameras paves the way for further analysis and link information.
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