a dispute over an amnesty for those accused of atrocities during the insurgency of the Shining Path does not help national reconciliation
Daniel Mora, the new Minister of Defense of Peru, fell rapidly in hot water over a comment that seemed to suggest that the street is for a general amnesty for former or current members security forces accused of human rights crimes during the country's bloody Shining Path insurgency.
"There must be a cutoff point for national reconciliation," said Mora in Lima ideell radio, adding that legal action against members of the armed forces and police for crimes against human man could not go forever. "Cut-off point? It feels Rafael Rey," said Daniel Abugattas members surprised party leader in the government of Peru to hear the observations of Mora. King, a former minister of defense and the right-specie of Opus Dei Catholic sect, is considered by many as the foremost defender of the atrocities committed by the military and police forces in the bloody civil war in Peru in the 1980s and 90. In 2003, the Commission of Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Peru estimated that 69,280 people died in two decades, a figure of the king hotly disputes. The king is Abugattas most of Ollanta Humala, left the administration once again hate.
Moracomments have attracted a wave of shame of the human rights groups. The Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA), said that his words were equivalent to a call for a state policy of impunity. Ronald Gamarra, one of the prosecutors in the trial International welcomed the former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori called for the resignation of the minister and a Facebook page, which mimics the erroneous observations Mora, which calls itself "Stop Minister Daniel Mora and let the impunity, "has about 2,500 followers.
certainly not the first time a politician - in Peru and elsewhere - has put his foot in his mouth, and said the remarks were misinterpreted. However, Mora was still pushed to the fore:. To say the atrocities and abuses committed by the armed forces were too isolated, entered into a side of the debate