high-profile sectarian politicians like Michele Bachmann and masks, Rick Perry, a steady growth of secularism
About 400 people are willing to meet at a conference in Hartford, Connecticut, to promote religion in the United States and its vision of a secular future for the country.
to travel to the meeting will be two massive road signs showing the contributions of two of the most famous non-believers: Katharine Hepburn and Mark Twain. "Faith is believing what you know is not true," said Twain. "I am an atheist and that's it," says Hepburn quotes.
At the meeting, members of the Freedom of Religion Foundation (FFRF) to listen to speakers to celebrate the success we had in the elimination of religion from public life in the U.S. and see the awards to outstanding secular activists.
The United States increasingly portrayed as a hotbed of religious fervor. However, in the land of ostensibly religious politicians like Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry, agnostics and atheists are actually part of one of the fastest growing demographic in the United States: the atheists. Far from being slaves to their religious leaders, the United States is, in fact, become a secular country, say some experts. "It has never been better to be a freethinker or agnostic in the United States," said Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of FFRF.
the exact number of infidels is not clear. A study by the Pew Research Center put 12% of the population, but by the Institute for the Study of Secularism in Society and Culture at Trinity College in Hartford puts that figure at about 20%.
Most experts agree that the number of secular Americans has probably doubled in the last three decades - growing particularly fast among young people. It is believed to be the fastest growing "religious" population in the country.
Professor Barry Kosmin of Trinity College, conducting the National Survey of Religious Identification, estimated that up to one quarter of young people in the United States and no particular faith, and mocks the idea, prevalent in the U.S. media and culture, the country is very religious and more. "Trends in American history is secularization," said Kosmin.
cites the example of new face of the country Sunday. It was not long ago, many sports were banned on Sundays and most shops were closed as well. Now the opposite is largely true.
There are other indications, too. For many years, studies have shown that about 40% of American adults attend a weekly religious service. However, other studies that have actually those of the church - rather than asking people if it was - showed that the actual number of about half to two thirds of that number
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