. Chris Jefferies tells how she was portrayed as a "crazy scary", a "pervert" and a "voyeur".
. Says that the CCP does not recognize a request to investigate the reports "defamatory.
. Jefferies said despite his never vindciation some "save the impression that I am a very few indeed best avoided."
Leveson broke an extended lunch while counsel to discuss "administrative matters" in relation to the evidence Alastair Campbell and if it will be released today. The inquiry will resume at 13:45.24:11:
winter testing is complete. It was short, but reinforced the accusations Hurst did.24:11: "This domino effect is particularly frightening for an organization like Birwa, who manages the information very senstive and can compromise the security people, "says Jay.
Winter said that when he learned that the documents had been compromised many vulnerable witnesses who are losing confidence in his love. written statement said it is not clear that their messages intercepted are being used for publication, and it's something that should be investigated.
"From the perspective of my organization, we are really based on trust and confidentiality - when I heard these documents had been compromised, my first thought was when all the people involved in this is losing confidence in us, "says Winter.
"It's a chilling thought for an organization like us ... it's a real problem for us. This could dent our reputation for confidentiality."
24:10: Robert Jay, research consultant, said: "If you hack the computer of a person who sees a series of information can be derived from third parties such as you. "
Mr. X, the attacker Hurst mentioned earlier, had papers on her, but she did not know if your computer has been hacked or not.
Winter said he spoke with the hacking of the Metropolitan Police. The police showed him the attachments, not the actual content of e-mails themselves, says Winter.
"They were both highly sensitive and confidential," he added.
said that the peace process is an "extra dimension among other dimensions" in his own research on the ethics of the press Lord Justice Leveson
winter, she said Ian Hurst said earlier this year that he had sent documents accessed illegally. "I was aware that his computer had been hacked, but I did not know was involved in correspondence with me," she said.
Jane Winter, a champion of peace and charity workers in Northern Ireland led by British Irish Rights Watch, is now
24:02: Hurst says it will provide research, with more tests. He says he understands when Leveson note that the research will focus on the relationship of the media with the police in the second half.
Then Hurst says there is corruption at the highest level of the Metropolitan Police ServiceHurst
Leveson asked to "ask the MPS will provide all the intelligence of police corruption included in the very high level. Is there, is at the highest level and with journalists of today. "Hurst says the MPS "has enabled the company to make a full statement."
24:01: Hurst read a statement that was made during the filming of the Panorama program:
Andy Coulson was editor
[the New World] and it's fucking great friends with a lot of powerful people, including police. Hurst formulated the question:
is exactly what we have here ladies and gentlemen - corruption
In April 2009, when Mr. X was arrested, documents show that the safety of his wife, a nurse, had committed . Mr. X documents, including your CV, your ID number, the documents relating to telephone, address, phone and files."There are a lot of knowledge that the police," said Hurst.
In February 2007 the documents were recovered from a hard drive involved in a separate investigation. At that time this person logs were obtained by telephone and News of the World paid £ 850 for it.
Because the issue of phone records and have been linked, the police knew in 2007 that directly and unequivocally that I and family security had been compromised.
This information was leaked to a reporter, and then used in a book in 2008.
documents seized by police in 2007 demonstrate the safety of his team had been compromised and information was obtained from him
research shows that pirates are not interested in the privacy of Hurst, but "his work in the intelligence community in Ireland the North. / Aa>They were looking for commercial advantage and said Hurst.
11:50: Hurst says that this week has received new information on the origin of the Trojans, but this information is not permitted from of research, because it is not in his written statement.
For clarity, it is confirmed that he does not believe that Mr. X was the source of the Trojan, who said he left "fragments" on the hard drive, even after the self-destructed.
. "This is an interpretation -. People say Porker cakes and try to separate the wood from trees for evidence, not speculation, "said Hurst
He accepts that the email came from Mr. X, but daily contact
Hurst said the Trojan was programmed to be on the hard drive for three months and then self-destruct
The hacker has admitted that [the trojan] Hurst hard drive.
"We know there was a Trojan horse on your hard drive and saw the evidence."Hurst sent an email with an attachment that you opened and it was him.
He said he believes it is sent from a fake email address.
Hurst says:
We had a meeting. I had known Mr. X for the number of years we have had a drink in a relaxed and clearly these events occurred long ago - there was nothing personal, that was professional, I ' I acceptednote that most of those involved in the plot. He was willing to set aside one or two of his personal reasons and events more or less well-known mid-June 2006, declared for a period of three months, and all documents are accessible via Troy - emails, hard drive, the media.
He did not say, but the Trojan would have allowed [see through the camera], webcam, which could have actually seen me or the children at the counter.
probably knew there were gaps in the knowledge of the BBC. The reality was that we had to confront ... I needed to extract this information to assemble the puzzle.
said he was not surprised that he had contacted. I had heard a few days before Panorama "is sniffing."
private investigator he had hired a private investigator specializing in computer virus to work hacking
This individual was known to Hurst who served in the military intelligence in Northern Ireland for three years.
He tells how his computer was hacked by a "Trojan horse". He says that the Trojans would have been quite sophisticated military, as it would have contained a "micro-spots" or "stop", but the Trojans are not as sophisticated paper because it requires a person to open an insert. " / Aa>
had shown him a seven-page fax from the BBC. The material in July 2006, which "was not only important on your computer" but also "an extract of a particular e-mail and other materials that were not directly linked" to your computer.
"It was a summary of the information they had collected and sent to Dublin [at the headquarters of New Ireland ]."
team Panorama secretly filmed one of the pirates involved. The film was shot in two hours and half past one ET has been reduced to about one minute.told the BBC he believed that one of its computers was hacked by the News of the World.
He went to live in France in 1994, but has maintained ties with his previous work.11:32:
He will discuss the Panorama documentary on the telephone line and piracy that has been engulfing the New World. It was published in March 2011 and contained an interview with Hurst.
Here is the cover
Roy Greenslade of the program at the time.
11:32:. His statement is written by a gag - an interim measure by the Crown against him in 1999
said his job was to recruit, develop and exploit workers in the Republican paramilitary organizations.
11:31:. Hurst was a "manager" in Northern Ireland and acted as a contact in the British Army for the IRA spy
served in undercover units between 1980 and 1991 in Northern Ireland.
Leveson is now back. Ian Hurst, a former intelligence officer in the British Army is the next witness.
11:14:. Search
took a five-minute break
Jefferies ended his statement by saying:
I hope that as a result of this investigation will be possible to put in a system by which it will be very difficult for newspapers in the future behave the way they did for me .
Jefferies explains that libel completely cleared of any involvement in the murder and also of any misconduct in the past
Leveson He says:
extensions were so vast, it is true that there are always people who do not know me, they still feel like I'm a very strange kind of character in Indeed, it is best to avoid.
11:10:.Jefferies said that the bias against him is not limited to the tabloids
not identify the role, but cites a large player who ignored the protests about the coverage of his arrest.
I am aware that many people have complained about a newspaper. None of these letters were published in the broadsheet and there was no response to these letters, even when one of its columnists are brought to the attention of the writing.
11:09: ". Page 2 in the top"
Jefferies said that the forgiveness of print newspapers, it has not received any communication the writing of papers that made the payments.
Jefferies wrote to complain about in a long plea for action in writing, said: CPC
coverage in my case was not flagrant illegality. Newspapers in search of sensations and increased sales will take almost any risk.
He says Leveson did not receive an acknowledgment by the CCP.
11:55 . Updated: The CCP has responded to comments made by Jefferies as follows:
This is unfortunate and we will be writing to explain the situation.
We are in contact with him (through their representatives) several times since coming to the attention, including the letter seeking comments to which you refer. We are still considering all the circumstances of his case, to use it for the purpose of the reform. The PCC proactively available to Mr. Jefferies, even after the libel suit. We are seriously considering the points made to us.
11:07 pm:
Jefferies says the director of the PCC, Stephen Abell, wrote to his lawyer stating that it would be appropriate to examine how the problems and how they had been avoided.
11:06: Jefferies also gave an interview to ITV, which can be seen here. He gave it to ITV because he used to teach the reporter.
Leveson said that "it was worse than" - it was "harmful" and "false"
Jefferies gave an interview. He was with Brian Cathcart for the Financial Times, published on October 8.
said Cathcart did a good job of "distillation" of their experience.
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