Sports Thursday
women and Fitness Foundation has urged the BBC to reverse its decision to limit the coverage of its red button interactive service and website, saying that could hinder the development of women's football. Friday, the shadow education secretary, Andy Burnham, and Conservative MP Tracey Crouch, wrote to BBC director general Mark Thompson in a final attempt to get him back. argued that the only game displays the red button service does not create a dynamic and broader public support for women's football. They noted that parts of England had been seen by more than 4 million people in Germany, where the tournament takes place. Matches the host were seen by more than 16m. the BBC on Friday said he decided to show the game in response to the viewer. In a letter to parliamentarians, Thompson said that although he was usually reluctant to make changes in the programming of the Acting Director of BBC Vision, Roly Keating, had agreed to post online. The program will air at 16:45 on Saturday. The BBC had originally said he was contractually obligated to air the Open Golf in Scotland on BBC1 and was reluctant to screen the sport in the two main channels at the same time, despite the Wimbledon station showed BBC1 and BBC2 at the same time. Instead, he planned to air a repeat of porridge and an episode of Flog It!. Burnham said he was "almost unbelievable" that the station was to prioritize repeats of porridge and Flog! in the quarter-final with France to England. GameWSFF The Executive Director, Sue Tibballs, hailed an earlier statement by the BBC that it would show the live semi-final if England beat France. "The further away from England into the tournament, and the coverage and profile they receive, the better the prognosis for the party of women in the UK," Tibballs said: "This is a great opportunity to inspire a new generation of girls to participate in the base and applaud the BBC for this movement. "
The England team are not looking as far as the semifinals. Standing in their way a French team who hammered Canada in the group stage and forced the best performance of the tournament so far out of Germany. Hilton Düsseldorf hotel, where the armies of England and France, it is a version of the apprentice in the house Saturday night. The losers in the BayArena in Leverkusen will pack their bags for home, while the winners are preparing for a couple of days and a semi-final of the road at Mönchengladbach. The focus may be faster, but it's ambitions go beyond.
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