books to the ceiling, Books to heaven
My pile of books is a mile high.
How I love them! How do I need? have a long beard by the time I read them.
- ~ Arnold Lobel
compiled by Ian "Birdbooker" Paulsen, the
Birdbooker Report
is a weekly report to record the variety of nature, natural history, ecology, animal behavior, the books of science and history that have been recently published and released in North America and the UK. The books listed here were received by Ian during the week, courtesy of various publishers before.
Featured Title:
[1933-1987] author of numerous popular books for children.
2011. Lynx Edicions. Hardcover: 341 pages. Price: $ 40.00 U.S. Abstract: The field guide describes and illustrates all bird species and subspecies of Macaronesia (Azores, Madeira, the Savage Islands, Canary Islands and Cape Verde ). Special features include detailed maps of the distribution, the status of species for each island, and the official list of birds compiled by the SOC Macaronesia (Canary Islands Ornithological Society).
- includes the Atlantic islands of Macaronesia, a region encompassing the archipelagos of the Azores, Madeira, the Savage Islands, Canary Islands and Cape Verde.
- Describes 573 species and subspecies, which covers all residents, migration, nesting birds and stray.
150 color plates. update for December 2010. There is also a Spanish version. IanRECOMMENDATION: Compared
- birds of islands in the Atlantic
by Tony Clarke (Helm Field Guides) this book is smaller, rigid, with distribution maps and text and charts in front of the range of color plates. This format makes this book more useful in the field of Helm Field Guide. The book is available in the UK and NHBS in books Buteo U. S.
new and recent titles:
García del Rey, Eduardo.
Field Guide Birds of Macaronesia.
birds of Hawaii, New Zealand and the Western and Central Pacific.
2011. Princeton University Press. Paperback: 256 pages. Price: $ 29.95 U.S. [Amazon UK, Amazon U.S.].
Summary: This pocket guide is the only comprehensive and practical illustrated and described the bird species in Hawaii, New Zealand and the Western and Central Pacific. With over 750 species illustrated in stunning detail and 95 color plates, this reference guide provides information on key identification features, habitat, songs and calls. Birds of Hawaii, New Zealand and the western and central Pacific is a must for birders of all levels interested in the region.
guide only to illustrate the birds of Hawaii, New Zealand and the Western and Central Pacific over 750 species illustrated on 95 color plates
descriptions of all the feathers of males, females and juveniles detailed distribution maps shows that each species is commonly
information on the characteristics key identification, habitat, songs and calls