lawyers complain that police brutality and torture in the country is still small North African, under Ben Ali was known to have the secret police the most widespread in the region. Human rights activists say that followers of Ben Ali and former party supporters still dominate a crooked justice system that corruption has worsened and that the notorious officials of the former regime have been promoted since the revolution. Some describe a climate of impunity, symbolized by the flight of Ben Ali in Saudi Arabia, where you can avoid dealing with traces of their crimes. Meanwhile, Tunisia, its influence continues to permeate the bureaucracy and government operations.
"We are overwhelmed with cases of human rights violations. You will not believe it was a revolution, "said Triki Imène, a human rights activist. "Torture is a way of doing things, is systematic. They have not changed their practices at all, "he said, warning of" countless "cases in police stations and prisons.
It describes: "the systematic and routine" arrests of bloggers and activists on false accusations, often "burn police stations," the detention of people with the label "Salafi" who were outside the country at the time of the alleged crimes were committed, and arrests of children
Triki describes a case of being a thief was transferred to the prison hospital with a stomach complaint. While in the hospital, he said, was brutally beaten and sexually assaulted in front of doctors, nurses and other patients. Triki said she found him with his legs chained to the bed and serious injuries to the genitals and in the same hospital with another inmate was found lying in the emergency room, his body festering with worms and covered with excrement. There, he says, been there for a month.
Ahmed Rahmouni, President of the Association of Tunisian Judges describes a rotten justice system - still in place - in which judges have been used by Ben Ali as an "instrument of repression" to end with civil society. Although some judges were independent, he said, the majority system remained in bondage dominated by politicians and those who served Ben Ali. These judges are still trying cases. "Senior judges in the country are corrupt, inefficient and an instrument of the dictatorship. We must get rid of them, and restore confidence in the judiciary," he said.
Bensedrine, a human rights activist and head of the radio station Kalima, has returned from exile, but has not yet been issued with a license for the radio station, which broadcasts on-line. She said: "The revolution cut off the head, but the body still there dictatorships are not only self-confidence - are also on the control of security forces, culture, health, universities, hospitals ... means dismantling the machine consists of three elements. 'S secret police, the old guard of the ruling party and corrupt businessmen, working with the system of these three are still powerful, still have long arms. "
Lakrimi Sidon, Tunisian Union lawyers said. "We are in a transition period, but the pace is very, very slow institutional change must occur quickly to clean the system ... popular discontent will become infected if they robbed and killed and tortured the n ' was not a fair and transparent manner ... You can not create the future use of the tools of the past. "
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