วันอังคารที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

What is Madness? by Darian Leader - review

Darian Leader

study of madness has great ideas, but Alexander Linklater left with a sense of desperation

Can there be a professional field, in the absence of politics, as divided and factionalised that address the problems of the mind? Take a sample of approaches to psychiatrists, psychologists, behavioral genetics, cognitive neuroscientists and psychoanalysts psychopharmacologist - and there are factions within factions, models of brain functions that compete with "psychotherapy" designs mind competing social constructions that compete with evolution. More than a competition of ideas, a clash of worldviews.

Darian Leader clinic belongs to the threat in the world for all: that of the psychoanalyst. Although the language of Freudian childhood memory and repression still flashing by Western culture, psychoanalysis as a practice has been largely removed from the UK public health. Culture in general has been followed and it is now common to hear the ideas that have been around for a century of being ridiculed. Leader is one of the powerful voice of a few left actively - even aggressively - to promote the language of dreams, libido and Oedipal formation of the mind

One problem with psychoanalysis is that defense, although relatively small, is deeply divided among its members - a victim, in terms of Freud, the narcissism of small differences. For the uninitiated, the disagreements between the Freudians, Jungians, Kleinians, or Winnicott's disciples may have become black, to the point of meaning. And belongs to the faction leader's most obscurantist of all French. Esotericism of the lush Jacques Lacan

But where the master may be unreadable, the leader can be a good explanation of basic principles and, especially, the central objective of the project of psychoanalysis. While classical psychiatry is to eliminate the capacity of the patient's history and detached from well-developed long lasting relationships therapy, psychoanalysis is still a champion of careful listening and deep psychological understanding.

In the first chapters of

What is madness?


spends a good amount of time attacking the traditional approach of psychiatry and some of his critics are on track: classifications failures

are powerful concepts in Lacanian theory, among them the principle that language is not simply a tool we use to describe reality, but a built-in functionality for which (in part) created the reality. Run away with this idea, however, and you may be able to say almost anything you like and reality confused. How many readers now have to follow a leader, when he says that a girl unconscious in the early development reproaches her mother for not providing a penis and looks his father to give a "not as an anatomical organ, but in as a child? "Loco is obviously less than, say, a diagnosis of OCD based on the observation of the rituals of excessive hand washing

This book is a complex and contradictory, brilliant in parts and stupid in others, and therefore very difficult to summarize. But the most interesting is the design of the head of madness as a matter of law. All forms of insanity, psychoanalytic reading of the head, are responses to internal conflicts, and his work as a therapist is "discover the logic" in that his subjects say psychotic.

because he sees the reason in the madness that the head can also be argued that there is no such thing as "mental illness" - which sees madness as a response natural to experience unbearable. And there is a large project in the ambition to discover the logic of the disease in this way. But it is also limited by his belief in the human mind as essentially a process of reasoning. Exclude the possibility that there may be logical, that thought can not be central to the formation of the neurochemical and structural brain can produce effects that are not subject to this type of analysis.

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