Movie Studio Summit Entertainment has become known for his ridiculous aggressive attempts to "protect" what they believe is their intellectual property. Just look at the list of stories we wrote about the company. Zine is now closed, stopped for a documentary on the real city, where Twilight is supposed to take place, has a fashion designer to identify which one of their jackets was worn by "Bella" in Twilight
, was involved in a legal battle with
Bath & Bodyworks
for sale a body lotion called "Twilight Woods," which had nothing to do with the film, and filed criminal charges against a fan who Twitter are some pictures of the entire shooting of the latest movie Twilight.
is a company that has a huge complex of rights, and a somewhat erroneous notion of the right of intellectual property.
His latest initiative is to continue the person who owns - which was in 1994, eleven years before Stephenie Meyer released the first
Find best price for : --Entertainment----Summit--
Find best price for : --Sony-- Only one month after the RIAA has reorganized the administration and promotion of people who had taken the recording industry over a cliff to give them more power, it seems that the MPAA has done the same. Chris Dodd, who waited several weeks before breaking his promise not to become a lobbyist after leaving the Senate and join the MPAA (Welcome to Hollywood, where he gives his word on something that makes no sense), a gathered to his new management team ... and more of the same. The same people who make bad decisions for the MPAA is taking the same path as the RIAA before catastrophic.
The key player here is Michael O'Leary, who has been vice president, but will assume a greater role. You may remember O'Leary try his ridiculous to claim that censorship of the Internet by protecting intellectual property is part of the American way.
What is really sad is that if any of these organizations actually led people with some idea of where the opportunities are going on in your world today 'Today, you might actually see some progress, rather than the tactic of claiming that you can break the internet to save the business models of companies inherited some who do not want to disturb the innovation. I must admit that you have difficulty understanding the minds of people who try to impede the progress and supporting business models dead, but it seems to pay well for now.
Find best price for : --Michael----MPAA----RIAA--
Find best price for : --Geek----Lego--
Coliseum, London
The audience at the London Coliseum, it was an exciting display of virtuosity on the night of Friday, when Ivan Vasiliev, the meaning of 22, the Bolshoi had the lead role in the ballet Roland Small, The Young Man and Death.
The work presented in a triple bill of work presented by the English National Ballet Petit and when the veteran French choreographer died earlier this month, Vassiliev offered his services for free. He said the director Wayne Eagling ENB would play the role famous demanding (Mikhail Baryshnikov dance in the Hollywood movie sleepless nights) as a personal tribute to an artist he admired.
This version, however, flies. Vasiliev, bulging eyes and his muscular body shaking with rage barely controlled, requires the attention of the first. His physical performance is huge and raw materials, the expressions of the era of silent films. And jumps, as always, it seems to challenge the seriousness - Vol immersion in particular that seems to hang, horizontally, about six feet off the ground. It has absolutely the delicacy of the great Mikhail Baryshnikov, but a wounded lion furious, sincerity, which is ultimately more interesting. He puts his pain on the line.
Find best price for : --Roland----Zhang----Zizi----Vasiliev----ballet--
Greek-American comedian went from marginal survival lessons with Jimmy Carr Edinburgh to work with Steven Soderbergh and Ang Lee. "We must be crazy," said
Jimmy Carrmay not strike everyone as his idea of ??a great humanist, but certainly not a good deed Demetri Martin. When Martin came to make his debut in the UK at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2003, eight of 10 cats took under his wing man.
"I met Jimmy in the United States," says Martin, "and he was the only one who knew when I left. He very kindly took me to dinner the first night that I 'were there. And the first things he said was: "Let's review the bit, and I'll tell you what the words are defined aa .'"
certainly not take long for American comics meet the tastes of the United Kingdom: he won the Perrier Award this summer. Now he's back here to their shows for the first time in over five years. It is a long-awaited return, but Martin is minimized expectations. "I am curious to see who is present and shows how it goes," he said. "I mean, quite large in London. And I will not make the room bigger. Therefore, it should itself."
If you are not familiar with dry, but very well prepared this Greek American stand-up - around the top-drawer single line and a refined sense of the absurd - you should check your TV set solo, the important things with Demetri Martin on Comedy Central recently canceled after two seasons excellent. Well, we canceled. "I tell people it was my choice, and I got it just before it was canceled:" Hi, this is Comedy Central ... "" Before you say anything, Comedy Central, I just want you to know that in no case make the show more. "I'll call each other a break." He also said that one of the most important lessons taught in the sample "was never Google myself." However, it was an excellent showcase for his talent.
want to write jokes about the chairs and dogs, not the Congress. I was surprised when I called the Daily Show "
The series has left the back of a special foot well received, and before that, a season in The Daily Show, a strange task for him to do, somehow, above the minutes comment satire is not much that Demetri Martin is about. "I do not wake up every morning and topical things in writing comedy and choose not to share with the world," he said, "I'm not interested. I want to write jokes about the chairs and dogs, not what I think Congress. I was surprised when I called for a meeting. "
Even more surprising is that Martin was allowed to do their own thing for the host and supreme creator Jon Stewart, as a correspondent for the youth. "Jon gave me the opportunity of your program that was very generous of you. Never, 'Oh, I love your stuff. "I was more than he respected me and treated me like a colleague who was great. You know Jon is a powerful man in comedy, certainly comedy in New York. I was delighted to work with him, and I was working with Conan O'Brien, who was also good. I always tell people I have two perfect comedies. "
At the top of the work and live television, he also found time to write a book under the title of this book is wonderfully colorful. He describes it as a "mixed bag" of all sorts of different parts comedy, including short fiction, drawings, the exterior wall of the list and, of course, the comic - examples of what can be seen at throughout this document. The genesis of the project came from the books you wear. Since the beginning of stand-up in 1997, he was always a pen in hand to eliminate any idea that comes. Martin believes that has more than 60 laptops, as now, and refers to him as his contempt "secret hideout on." But, says: "When I received the offer for the book, had an advantage because I could go through my books and find that the core ideas, so the story of a monster who did this he wants - I wonder if. I could write this story, I wonder if that's what you need. "
Find best price for : --Taking----Gary----Jemaine----Bret----Daily----Central----Comedy----Perrier----Martin----Demetri----Carr----Jimmy--
politicians who blame the riots on the lack of discipline in schools were all wrong, says
Phil Beadle
Therefore, citizenship classes were a success, then! And next week, lessons on the subject of countless good citizenship begins with the teacher asks, "So what can we learn from these riots?"
"Well, sir, man, I learned you have to try things before they spoil or get something that does not suit you. Do not go with his handkerchief "
The reaction of the commentators and political unrest was predictable: the voices of the pontificate unlevened right views for any type of experience of people who rightly decry, and the voices on the left who try to justify an outbreak of rampant crime as a response almost led to the current administration of the "scorched earth for the poor" policies.
is the right answer, however, which shows the perverse perspective on the relationship between cause and effect.
attended the Prime Minister, with his coarse simplistic, the "broken society" slogan, to identify the following: ". The next part of our attack is against what is happening in our schools, "The heir to the throne weight:" Schools do not have enough enough extracurricular activities organized games and activities .. "John Howell , Conservative MP for Henley, calls for "more discipline in our schools," and a priest has no idea of ??the riots as evidence of the need to "rebuild education" and begins jibbering about "ethos".
Why does not anyone asking that the riots occurred in long-term time? Even if they did, I have a strong suspicion of participation under 18 have declined significantly. First, the perturbations in a night school is probably beyond the limits, even in the house of the city center. Second, there were rumors every day of the worst epidemics it was created. Had this been the case of meetings in the course, each school have criticized the accuracy mobilized military, keep children in school, texting parents to pick them up, arrange transportation, and calling for no one had been any doubt about the possible consequences of the behavior dangerously irresponsible.
measured, reasoned responses to the problems were in the teaching profession, their representatives and partner organizations. John Murphy, director of education at the Oasis Community Learning, which was the principal of two schools for children with emotional and behavioral difficulties, puts the nail on the head: "In Recent riots that adopted by political reasons to complex problems. The reality is that those involved were not a group with one of the reasons. They were opportunistic, gang members and there were people who are totally excluded from any involvement with civil society. "
Find best price for : --Oasis----John--
that investigations, Rick Perry, the new favorite, the experts the former governor of Massachusetts. Not so fast
is a familiar story. A presidential favorite stumbles badly in the way the Republican nomination and is considered almost dead. Media attention goes to his rivals on the rise in the polls, his campaign funds swelling. However, head to recalibrate his campaign, he is high, everything is in the critical New Hampshire primary, wins, and the tide of victory.
This happened in mid-2007, when Republican John McCain, heir to "mince words express" ran aground, apparently ending his chances for the presidency. Now we hear the same from the former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, who suddenly left the Governor Rick Perry of Texas after leading the Republican field for months. The latest CNN poll has Perry with a 13 point lead over Romney -. A surprising twist two weeks ago, Perry said before
McCain, of course, straightened his steam engine and to victory in 2008, defying the odds-making. We are looking for a repeat?
Not according to most experts, including one that Romney is pronounced a "loser." Another review of the career of Romney, said he has never won an absolute majority in a single election. He saved his re-election race for governor, when polls showed it was almost certain to lose. Perry, the authors suggest, is now a shoo-in to win.
Not so fast, I say. Romney is a weak candidate, and a dubious "favorite" has been evident for months, as I have suggested elsewhere. It also increased, Rick Perry, in an almost dark in May, well before the famous Karl Rove - an inveterate enemy of Perry - he did. However, no candidate has a lead of about 20 points in the first review of the nation New Hampshire primary - as does Romney - is over, no matter how sad appearance. Candidates Perry - finally and resolutely Christian south - have tended to perform poorly in the Granite State, and Romney, who is a resident of New England, which seems stronger now than when he saw Perry
McCain Romney is not, of course. War has no history of right to appeal, and Perry, in any case is likely to earn more veterans, a key GOP constituency. However, in 2012 Romney Romney is not four years ago. He's older and wiser, and so far, despite its obvious weaknesses in the stump, has proven very adept at raising funds and using their resources in the states of the primary - not only in the New But Hampshire, Iowa, Florida, Michigan and Nevada. And it forward with a detailed work plan that President Obama has even run to catch up. Perry, the master plan for four and five points, after careful consideration, it seems full of platitudes, not the height. Just point to his record of Texas jobs - many are already in question -. Be exhausted in time
Find best price for : --Mitt----Clinton----Romney----John----Perry--
Uruguay Oscar Washington Tabarez will face Sergio Markarian of Peru, the man who was once his teacher Football
The student in front of the main paradigm is well established: Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Larry Holmes and Muhammad Ali. Paul Keating, Bob Hawke. Eric Bristow and Phil Taylor. Maybe time André Villas-Boas and Jose Mourinho. In the theory of the anxiety of influence by Harold Bloom, the great writers first need to (metaphorically) kill the writer who has most influenced - Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe, for example - before creating his own style. In most cases, the generation gap is a young upstart to come to the question of the amount found.
Tuesday night in La Plata in Uruguay meet in Peru in the first semifinal of the Copa America, a young man goes to the man who was once his teacher. This, however, is a unique version of the paradigm obsolete. The young man, Oscar Washington Tabarez, is 64, Sergio Markarian, who briefly coached at Bella Vista, the 1970 is just two years older. Both have the same basic principles. Both have the same belief in the importance of preventing the other party to play before they play.
This year, Markarian said that the purpose of an "attractive style" hot Peru. However, he admitted he thought it was "more important" to create "an effective The two round-trip still think he can win the game is played. We need to increase the level of aggression in our brand, and not let the opponent play a lot. "It says a lot of the success of Markarian in their 14 games in charge, Peru conceded just five goals.
Its success has been remarkable. This is the first of Peru in the semifinals in the Copa America in 1997, however, losing 7-0 with Brazil after defeating Argentina's Daniel Passarella very low in the quarter-finals, there is a feeling that it is your appropriate first half since 1983. But the transformation is much deeper than the Markarian. Peru finished last in South America for the World Cup. Leaving his group in the Copa America was a success, especially after the wounds of Claudio Pizarro and Jefferson Farfan. Do it through having lost the dead rubber against Chile, a goal down time clean, and to beat Colombia 2-0 in the quarterfinals is an extraordinary achievement.
Yes, we were lucky in Peru, with Radamel Falcao and missing a penalty shot Dayro Moreno hit a pole on an episode of 15 minutes of intense pressure from Colombia, Peru, but had how to firm and when the opportunities presented to them in overtime, took them. Were devoted to thwart opponents, but it is their right, one of the beauties of football is that the poorest regions can beat the best, by preventing their reproduction. "There is nothing beautiful allowing the opponent to have fun," Markarian said when pressed on the negativity of his team on Saturday, one more question after losing its momentum against Chile in usual wonky smile slipped when he was interviewed by journalists and rejected that of "little mouse".
In a sense, injuries Pizzarro Farfan and worked for Markarian. Since there is no pressure to pack the team with the attackers, and has developed a plan that Paolo Guerrero, who had a magnificent tournament striker Asamoah Gyan and unique style, moves to the left Juan Vargas can cut the left wing and second striker to become an assistant. William Chiroque law has been excellent in a role to come and go, but certainly with a thigh injury.
Markarian belongs to the intellectual tradition of left South American football. He never did as a player, but after graduating, he became director of a fuel distribution. When I was 30, however, since the Uruguay humiliated by Holland in World Cup 1974 and decided that it was his duty to become a football coach and modernization of Uruguay. After learning the trade at the Bella Vista, however, went to Paraguay in 1983 and has never professionally.
His influence has been profound in Paraguay. He won two league titles and two Olimpia with freedom. The hairstyle of the national team for the 1992 Olympics, and many players have to play in the 2002 World Cup which was replaced as coach Cesare Maldini shamefully.
Markarian succeeded in Greece, won a championship with the University of Chile and two degrees Sporting Cristal of Peru and the final of the Copa Libertadores, a remarkable achievement that no club Peru approached again in 14 years.
on Peru in the semifinals is remarkable, but Venezuela is unprecedented. They won only four games in Cup history in America and after a single past tense quarter-final at home, started their luck and shows high resistance to reach the semifinals for the first time. Reach 16 under-20 world in Egypt two years ago with a team that included Jose Rondon and Yohandry Orozco - both members of the current workforce, but is used in many banks suggests the future and this can be achieved. The
Find best price for : --Peru----América----Paraguay----Pizzarro----Farfán----Moreno----Dayro----Falcao----Radamel----Markarián----Copa----Uruguay----Skywalker----Anakin----Tabárez--