วันเสาร์ที่ 8 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Cribsheet: 30.08.11

e-mails show how Michael Gove flight speed

Free Schools Grant Advisory charitable

Countdown begins

free schools

Whitehall emails reveal the hidden costs of promoting free schools

an impressive collection of emails leaked to The Guardian that the spectacle of Michael Gove arrange a £ 500,000 grant to the New School Network (NSN) for the fast lane. NSN is charity, run by a former consultant of 25 years Gove, which provides advice for people who want to create free schools. Gove urged officials to give NSN "cash without delay." Since its inception, the program Gove free schools often seemed in danger, as many schools struggled to get the necessary planning, permits and financing. In an email, Gove confidant Sunday Cummings said:

"Labour has delivered hundreds of millions of orgs left - if the kids I can not navigate the bureaucracy thro or not and then a chance of all new schools !!"

Lisa Nandy

, the selection committee members work in education, said the e-mail indicated the DSN had received public funds to act as "a propaganda machine for a political agenda . '

"What they are asking for is a way to minimize the negative impact of free schools. He was given the contract to the New School Network to provide independent and impartial advice for people setting up free schools. This should certainly include advice to schools lower new building not only the positive. It gave them taxpayers' money to act as a propaganda machine for a political agenda. "


echoes her sentiments:

"number of other charities to receive £ 500,000 of government to implement the same policies that have pushed for?"

As expected, Toby Young disagreed. Young has long been an advocate of free schools and start his own this September. He said that the fast track £ 500 000 grant is a "non-story", adding:

not it time for The Guardian with the program? Today is almost alone in its opposition to the reforms of education, Michael Gove, isolated in the corner of the dunce's cap, with the only Socialist Workers Party and the teachers' unions antediluvian Company.

Read the full story of the flight of the emails here.

Michael Gove

embarrassing stumble is not to put the brakes on reform

free school built by the Sikh community is preparing to open the doors

The 24 pioneer schools free

"free schools" in the first place to open this September


More news from The Guardian

asked university staff to report on "vulnerable" to Muslim students

price school meals to increase by two-thirds of schools in the new term

In today


Peter Wilby

interviews founder of the Network of local schools

Melissa Benn

(Yes, Tony's daughter), just days before the publication of the book The Wars of the school. Benn still believe that the public can see the benefits of understanding, and argues passionately that we must unite behind comprehensive local elected by local authorities.

Chris Arnot

first visit to the United Kingdom from the Technical University College (UTC). The JCB Academy offers hands on training of young engineers who need industry in the morning. This is the first and certainly not the last - UTCs are the invention of the former Conservative Education Minister Lord Baker. George Osborne has immediate plans for another 24 colleges and plans for Baker, which has between 200 and 300 in 10 years. "

Phil Beadle

question: young people have dared to long-term disruption of time? Teachers were the first to be blamed for the riots, but not all twig happened in the riots school holidays?

If [the riots] in the school year, each school will be mobilized decried military precision, keeping children in school, text messages to parents to collect, arrange transport and to call meetings at which no one would have any doubt about the possible consequences of dangerously irresponsible behavior.

Rumors of ... Beekeeping in schools

When a swarm of bees descended on Charlton Manor Primary School in Greenwich teachers first reaction was panic. Some feared they would have to close the school. But the surprise of the director Tim Baker was the calm of the students were - and how fascinated. Three years in beekeeping is now part of the curriculum at Charlton Manor and abundance of honey is not the only positive side effect. Participation in beekeeping has changed the behavior of some school students the most rebellious. There are some nice pictures of beekeeping club at school here.

professional training seminars Professor

think to do a PhD?

Making the most of opportunities for the media to raise the profile of the school

when it comes to sharing good news or crisis management, directors and management teams must be able to handle the media in all its forms. This one day seminar in partnership with the NAHT is essential for new and aspiring leaders and school officials to determine who wish to update their knowledge. It includes a session on social media. September 20 in London.

