วันเสาร์ที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

US politics live blog: Rick Perry's jobs policy, New Hampshire v Nevada, Herman Cain's 9-9-9 tax plan

Republican Rick Perry, aspiring presented its work plan and schedule of major wars of the 9-9-9 plan Herman Cain

Hello: Rick Perry Republican presidential candidate desperately needs to make a splash with its workplan long delay - announced this morning that

also on the cards:. Battle brewing between New Hampshire and Nevada, at the time to celebrate their heated presidential primary

and Herman Cain 9-9-9 tax reform proposals are drawing marks

0-0-0 informed judges and experts who are more careful with the plan presented by the insurgent Republican presidential candidate The pizza magnate .


We are waiting, Rick Perry, to deliver what is presented as an "expression of power" in Steel Plant in the U.S. West Mifflin, Pennsylvania. There is a delay apparently.


Here we go:. Perry was on stage


Perry - standing in front of large steel drums - that he has a plan to produce over a million "of good jobs in America. "

For some reason the audio sounds like Perry speaks in a huge room, echoing the turbine - as indeed it is, it seems. This probably explains.


Rick Perry: "My plan is based on this simple principle: To what Americans buy, buy what Americans do , and sell it to the world. "

And who can argue with that, eh? And then there's this:

United States is the Saudi Arabia of coal.

addition, the United States is the Kuwait of cheeseburgers, iPods Dubai and Canada, Canadian expatriates.

11 hours:

OK for CNN and Fox News Perry short speech - the standard operating procedure for U.S. news networks, fear hearing your dentist's waiting room bored if you stay in one place for too long - so I followed through the magic of the Internet

And here we are: messages from the website of the campaign, Rick Perry, in its work plan "energizing American jobs and security":

key components of the plan include:

. Develop and offshore energy exploration in federal and private lands throughout the country by decree, creating more than 1.2 million jobs . Eliminate common EPA proposed regulations and activist of the Obama administration, saving 2.4 million jobs by 2020 and reduce projected costs by $ 127bn

. Reduce, rebuild and refocus the federal EPA regulators the authority back to the States

. level the playing field for all energy producers, to eliminate the practice Obama to pick winners and losers and end of the war of Obama in the production coal and natural gas

Aha - Mitt Romney campaign has quietly released its fundraising numbers for the third quarter: $ 14 million. That's less than $ 17 million raised by Perry and less than $ 18 million Romney grew up in the second quarter - although the July-August-September is generally not a good year for fundraising

Let's see what all this means that when the Federal Election Commission has published a full account.


Tensions are very high in New Hampshire and Nevada border, where the spread branch of peace passes through the point New Hampshire fusion is the desire to maintain its "first in the nation" primary status.

Of course, nobody cares, except (a) some people in New Hampshire, (b) political and (c) means of communication. So, obviously, is of vital importance.

A reminder: Nevada New Hampshire wants to postpone the date of its presidential caucus - despite already scheduled for four days after the New Hampshire primary on Jan. 10 probably. But that's not good enough for New Hampshire, which requires a gap of seven days.


has more on the numbers of political fundraising for Mitt Romney - and note that it is burning through the box:

is a good quarter, but the number is striking is $ 14.7 million Romney would have had in the bank in late September. That's less than $ 15 million from Rick Perry's campaign says the report is confidential.

The difference is really small and could be minimal, depending on how the two campaigns have been rounded. But it is still remarkable, given that Romney had a lead of four months.


In the war of the primary, Jon Ralston Las Vegas Sun shoot some photos in New Hampshire:

Forget the arrogance of a government telling others how we should move away from the major event in New Hampshire, where almost all white, the power to vote supposedly dissipates care omniscient in the field before mere mortals states can participate. In fact, remember that.


Sorry for the delay of short

, now back to normal output blogtastic

2:11 p.m.

There is a great temptation for the U.S. media to dismiss Ron Paul as a candidate group. But Paul's campaign is clearly to make this campaign more seriously - or conventional - that leaving 2008

It is an ad campaign Paul highlights the candidate's opposition to abortion. This is an ad leads directly to the powerful social conservative movement has failed to adopt Paul's "libertarian-lite" message.

In the great anti-war date the New Hampshire primary in Nevada, Reid National Journal New Hampshire, Mr. Wilson a bluff - and had good reason to back that, thanks to the Law on military and overseas voters Accountability:

In a statement [pdf] on its website Wednesday, the New Hampshire Secretary of State Bill Gardner has drawn a clear line in the sand between their traditional state, first in the nation to the new primary and Nevada caucus the first in the West. Nevada, have to move out of his scheduled January 14, said Gardner, New Hampshire and could hold their primaries in early December 6 or December 13

The problem is that he is lying.

Gardner has already set a date, the closing date. Candidates wishing to run for president must have the appropriate documents in his office before the close of business on Friday, October 28 (ie, two weeks from today).

Gardner can not start printing the ballots until the process is complete. In fact, you probably can not start printing ballots until the next business day, Monday, October 31. And with a law that Congress passed in 2009, will allow at least 45 days to pass between the time you send postal votes and election day.

This law, the military and overseas voters Empowerment Act greatly expanded a 1986 law known as Act citizens in uniform and overseas postal voting. The Act requires state elections officials to move to send the ballots to qualified voters at least 45 days before an election. The objective is to ensure that military personnel serving overseas and on Navy ships receive ballots in time to vote

So if you print the ballots Gardner on October 31, it would not be able to make a choice of at least 45 days, which is December 14.


onion is removed a rich vein of humor in his character of Joe Biden as a poor guy:

In a surprise visit Thursday to an organizational meeting for this year White House Christmas Party, Vice President Joe Biden winked mischievously as he proposed to "manage" the source pool for the next event year. "Uncle Joe's punch under control," said Biden, briefly showing a vial of metal that protrudes from the inner pocket of his jacket. "Old family recipe." Biden's appearance among the planners of the House White was his first event since last May, when he offered to buy "some real fireworks" for the upcoming Fourth of July holiday.

Then there was the classic "Shirtless Biden Washing Trans Am in the driveway of the White House":

For the rest of the day, Biden was devoted to the pipe of your car, giving the side doors an extra coat of wax, and throwing a variety of items under the front seats, including crumpled fast food wrappers, a number of soft packs of Doral kings, an issue of Cheri magazine from 1991, and Senate Bill S. 486.

now the White House appears to have accepted all with this outlet in the Obama campaign website 2012: Joe Biden may Cooler. "The need to keep the soda cold? The vice president thought of you. Literally."

Soda? OK, of course, "soda". All yours for only $ 10.


the Department of shit, Bloomberg Edition: Jonathan Alter said last night that Hillary Clinton - Joe Biden change the employment is in the cards for 2012 if things get bad enough:

When Bob Woodward said on CNN first time in late 2010 that the change was "on the table," I was skeptical. Clinton in a profile I wrote for Vanity Fair this year, doubt his denials of performance in the presidential election of 2016, but he thought Biden was a switch with insane.

Then I heard an old friend of Obama's Chicago that Woodward was right. Now, with the worsening economy and the president and those below describes himself, I'd say the odds are long -. But certainly not impossible

Nothing is impossible in these conditions. Other "small chance" as the establishment of a lunar base to exploit its reserves of unlimited cheese.

God, who already sell beer coolers Joe Biden. I mean, soda coolers.


A federal court has temporarily blocked parts of the controversial immigration law of Alabama requires teachers to check the immigration status of students

The Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit has also blocked a portion of the law that allows police to charge immigrants with no documents proving their legal status.

New developments in Nevada, New Hampshire from the Seven Days - in which the New Hampshire said Nevada has invaded the space of the primary.

Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman announced it would boycott the televised debate of the candidates that take place in Las Vegas on Tuesday because he believes in the sacred right to have a New Hampshire primary in September days before any of them.

