writer, teacher and critic, saw the man through the prism of art
David Holbrook, who died at the age of 88 years, was a great teacher and writer on education. He was also a poet, novelist, literary critic, anthologist and commentator on culture. Controversial writer of letters to newspapers, campaigned tirelessly against nihilism in all its forms. His belief that human beings can not live without a sense of meaning behind all his work, but had its practical consequence in classrooms throughout the English speaking world.
Holbrook was born in Norwich, where his father was an employee of the railroad. Inspired by Nugent Monck, the director innovative and eccentric local Maddermarket Theatre, the teenager discovers creativity Holbrook Shakespeare on stage. Forty years later, wrote a lively celebration of Monk in his novel, a play of the Passion (1978).
In 1941, he moved to Downing College, Cambridge with a scholarship in English, but joined the army a year later. In 1944 took part in the D-Day landings, during which he was injured. After serving in the Ardennes and further campaigns in the Rhineland, he returned to Cambridge to complete his studies in FR Leavis.
Holbrook was too independent to be a disciple and his relationship with Leavis never been easy. Probably due to both strong Marxist poet and critic Edgell Rickword. After Cambridge, Holbrook worked in London as assistant editor of the journal Rickword of our time. He then joined the Bureau of current business, where he helped produce pamphlets on political and cultural relations with colleagues, including Leonard Woolf, and Jacob Bronowski.
He became a master of many types of learners: adults in the classes of workers in the 1952-1953 Education Association, which is called the D-stream, after teenagers in Bassingbourn Village College, in Cambridgeshire, from 1954 to 1961, Cambridge, and students of King's College (1961-1965), Jesus (1968-1970) and Downing (1973-1975, 1981-1988), where he was Director Studies in the recent times, in English and in 1989, an affable fellow emeritus.
throughout his life, he wrote Holbrook energy and produce more than 60 books, a couple that appeared after his official retirement. His writing is very personal. His poems - published in five volumes, including against the cruel Frost (1963), and object relations (1967) and Selected Poems 1961-1978 (1980) - are shamelessly autobiographical. Often the marriage and children, and small domestic scenes.
His later novels Grimmer career of Paul (the name was the maiden name of his mother) are more directly from their own experiences. If family intimacy sometimes seem barely concealed from the potential embarrassment can be accepted as part of the unflinching honesty of the writer. Flesh Wounds (1966) remains one of the best pieces of creative writing at the Second World War. Description of Paul the shelter of a mortar barrage while watching a green color, like a mountain pass motte motte gem is unforgettable.
The importance of individual responses based his writing on education. From 1961 to the English of maturity, which was based on his experiences in Bassingbourn, published a series of books in English that many teachers are released. Instead of being subjected to a series of grammar exercises and understanding based on extracts of the inertia of dull authors, children were encouraged to explore the relationship between language and feeling, and especially to write his own among them. Later, the books - English for the Rejected (1964), Exploring the Word (1967), Secret Places (1972), English meaning (1980), education and philosophical anthropology (1987 ) - developed this theme
they came from his belief that "poetry is the central teaching of English teaching," because "poetry is the language used for deeper and more accurate . "Holbrook was so inspiring that approach the earth. No nonsense curriculum is adjacent to the accounts of the attention of the writing of the children themselves imaginative suggestions for music to play in the classroom - Jelly Roll Morton, and Leadbelly, as well as Copland and Varèse - next to a ferocious onslaught of stories about the "myth books", condemning the idea that working in English, must be "quantitative and measurable."
later books together different ways of understanding human behavior and beliefs in an attempt to build a "philosophical anthropology". Holbrook was based on DW Winnicott and child psychotherapy and phenomenological existentialist thinkers to support their own intuitions. Culture is not recognized in the Freudian sublimation of natural impulses, but a necessary part of our consciousness and how we search for meaning. If the search is frustrated, substitutes are found in drug use, aggressive fantasies, pornography and the occult, all available on a predatory corporation. Where is the success - in trade between the mother and the baby that the basis of the autonomy of the self. In the works of art with its healing power - the human world is recreated
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