A new poll shows that everyone in the education sections of society the value of others and try to show
Broken Britain? Britannia rude? Not according to researchers who produced the offensive - a study of the British in their daily lives that we showed our company is one of the most polite and civil in the world, occasional aggression and racism is in decline and a enormous value is placed on a smile of a stranger or a small act of kindness.
But while the results of the work of social activists of the Young Foundation has shown a country that is trying to achieve their "pleases" and "thank you", but also suggests that when it breaks courtesy, then communities do. People reported that the roughness of the neighborhood upset over the crime.
The research, published tomorrow, Britain is positively in international studies of tolerance and the rules of courtesy and behavior by some is better than one or two generations ago.
But the results showed that people are quick to find in other antisocial behavior, but are much less aware of how their own behavior can cause offense. He warned that modern life presents unique challenges to civil behavior, including social mobility, technology and pressures on space and time. One of the authors of the report, Will Norman, said the technology was undermining the progress achieved in social interaction, with many people aware of the strength of their telephone conversations, music or simple lack of attention annoys his fellow citizens .
"Taxi drivers and store clerks really offends people act as if they exist, because they are on their phones," he said. "But many people do not realize -. . A common cause of bad manners I talked to a man who had a kebab shop and had a client who has never said please or thank you mad and one day she will be asked why they were ashamed, and from that day was extremely courteous -. she had not noticed "
The foundation works in Newham, a London neighborhood with a diverse population in the new town of Cambourne, Cambridgeshire, and Salisbury, Trowbridge and Devizes in Wiltshire. They talked to taxi drivers, clerks, agents support staff, workshop and community health and observed the interactions between strangers, cases of road rage rude children in parks.
Wherever he lived, most people agree that civility is essential to shape the lives, and many said it was the most important factor for the quality of life. Most reported having had regular acts of courtesy and respect they were treated with respect in their neighborhoods. Among the
spoke French rivers, 40, a student of Kingston upon Thames obstetrics, is no stranger to seeing people in their most stressed. If it is a matter of front-line professionals against abuse and assault, often alcohol or drugs in their working life, said he was impressed by the behavior of persons referred to: "I think that people are very tolerant and the NHS can be grating, and it's no secret that there is a shortage of midwives. Recently I had a father who broke down and was quite rude but later apologized and that was understandable, given a tense situation. "People, if a city prosecutor or a single mother of a housing project, they must be treated with respect and kindness . As a health professional who is instilled in you. So people generally treat you well back. "
Many countries are addressing incivility in Spain raised the age limit for Facebook users to try to protect children against verbal abuse, and South Korea was made illegal the use false names when posting comments on websites. Korean schoolchildren are taught "netiquette" - the label of the Internet - to better promote e-mail. New Zealand has made a successful experiment to facilitate the abrasion near the critical points of classical music, while the Italian group Cittaslow encourages people to commit daily acts of hospitality.
"Promoting Civility is not so much to change the public mood and promote positive behavior, and there is a restriction or sanction, which may be effective in the short term, but it is unlikely to instil the culture of management that underpins civil society. subtle interventions tend to be more sustainable. This requires a collective effort of residents, local agencies, public officials, the media and those in authority. "
But politicians, with gaiters howl of Commons, are just one example of political discourse. David Cameron, has apologized for twice the tenacity of women parliamentarians, although Andrew Rawnsley, the
Observer political columnist