Twitter is proving good for business and legal novice of social networking sites more and more to improve employment prospects
First the nerds. Then came the famous, pursued by reporters. And now the lawyers are realizing the power of Twitter.
Worldlegal equivalent of the prolific tweeter Stephen Fry David Allen Green, a lawyer who combines his work as head of media law at City firm Preiskel & Co, with a part-time role as New Statesman's legal correspondent.
Greenattracted the attention of journalists when they began to Twitter and blogs in the libel case Simon Singh The secret of 40 years, the success seems to be a combination of the legalistic and frankly a legalistic and irreverence. "I'm listening to a shit [the former head of new international human resources, Daniel] Cloke and [the head of News International Legal Affairs Jon] Chapman," Green wrote recently, referring to the scandal of Piracy, once said, "But imagine Wendi Murdoch have aa ..."
discreet but no less cunning, is Adam Wagner, junior lawyer in a row that Crown Office has used Twitter, the blog that publishes high legal qualification to become one of the best known young lawyers in the country - a feat in a hierarchical profession, where it is often frowned upon for the novice to seek publicity. Like green, Twitter Wagner utilizes a combination of links and blogs concise work-related reflections. "I see at least one quality control than a week to join Twitter," he said. "However, the hierarchy within the site is different from real life."
other lawyers who have used the intelligent environment include Connick Ashley, a graduate of the University of Leeds, who obtained a position in gold in circulation in one of the main offices of some "magic circle" law in the back of your tweets about life as a budding lawyer, and lawyers John Cooper QC and Felicity Gerry, whose presence has enabled Twitter to change the established legal means to engage quotation marks.
If the legal profession has been less successful is through corporate Twitter accounts - some of which have recently appeared that the law firms and barristers chambers to try to emulate the success of the individual Green and Wagner The vast majority miss the point of Twitter -. at its base, the provision of knowledge available elsewhere - with many using it to disseminate press releases dry
Some of these accounts are inactive. A minority have clearly had the time and thought put into them, but still tend to be a little boring. Exasperated by the clumsy efforts of the legal profession in this area, the Legal Week argues that "corporate law firms are not" necessary "under blog, Twitter, or otherwise mess with the media."
The exception to the dull business account London_Law_Firm Twitter is fun, which seems to thrive because, really, it's the Twitter account of personal Sherliker Chris, the couple founded the firm niche eccentric Silverman Sherliker law.
The challenge will be to maintain all of its interesting people Twitter your online success now means they have something to lose. Green recently responded to a higher profile, trying to create a division between their personal and professional online self increasingly using private Twitter account that only a select group of authorized people can follow. We do not know the effectiveness of this approach will be in an environment where many fans authentic look at the request of staff.
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