Prime Minister was calm, firm, determined and sub-Churchill - if it will lead to anything is another matter
Municipalitiesagain discussed the two horsemen of the Apocalypse in our country. (The others are the war, and this rain, we were.)
The place was packed, the bottom of the buttock. Ryanair and EasyJet must have made a fortune at full price flights as members of parliament rushed to his vacation. Sandwiches of plastic and the only check-in charges could have doubled profits this year.
A hot topic was to give the police the right to remove the bells of the hoodies. Finally! MPs have finally found another group decried that fear to face in public!
David Cameron was adamant calm and firm. "We will not tolerate this," he said. "We will do everything we can to restore law and order." It sounded like his hero, Tony Blair, who made the company quiet, funny and determined as easily as Eddie Izzard did. If anything will lead to a question different.
The first of the many uses of the word "strong" arrived after three minutes and 45 seconds. This used to mean "a statistic that might actually be true." Now that means "the protesters banging on the head."
prosecute all caught on CCTV. "There are no human rights considerations will prevent these pictures show!" he said, the biggest applause of the morning so far.
a new weapon would be used, the requirements of gangs. This is legislation that allows police to ban groups of violent youths, without respect to property or law. But apparently it has nothing to do with the Bullingdon Club.
will use plastic bullets, which - do not add - can the blind. And they could get water cannons 24 hours in advance. Gates for the bastards in the gutter!
finally broken in the way of sub-Churchill that Tony Blair was so good. "We will not allow a violent blow some of us ... it's a time to gather our country." As for criminals: "We will continue down, we will find you will be charged, and punish you." And around the earth, thousands of thugs in a trembling voice to the idea of ??painting the house of an old town.
, Ed Miliband, cleverly sounded so outraged by events like the Prime Minister. However, slipped in a trial not to reduce the number of police. Cameron hit back at work, which mocks a 6% reduction in four years is easily possible. And when you have deep moral failure, he could not cure with a wall of money.
Sir Peter Tapsellrose from his majesty. I imagined him in the vest, waving aside the protesters as they made a futile attempt to burn it. He called for being locked in a stadium as the Washington police did in 1971. (For most members of 1971 is as far as 1066.)
What a great idea! I wonder how our Euro 2012 rivals to deal with a few thousand sweatshirts with Molotov cocktails. We invented football, and we invented football violence.
Many members wanted to know why the police in the early stages, was left behind.
Prime Minister spoke of 165 minutes and 160 answered questions. He lost only once, commenting on the fact that Rob has not had a job Flello jacket - had been stolen
The President said that "to achieve the level of events." Ugh! Bercow telling him that he loves and hates Cameron. are we talking about, George Osborne economic crisis. You could have hit me with a pen: it seems to be in better nick than any other, including in Germany
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