วันศุกร์ที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Can Afghan women count on Hillary Clinton? | Meredith Tax

Secretary of State U. S. promised to protect women's rights - should be considered on its promise to begin talks with the Taliban

The United States is negotiating with the Taliban! What about Afghan women? They have enough problems, as the Karzai government is easily as misogynistic as the Taliban.

But do not worry. Hillary Clinton U.S. Secretary of State. A feminist determine U.S. policy in the "process of reconciliation, rehabilitation and transition." No doubt the women of Afghanistan can count on Hillary

She said that in London in February 2010, when Hamid Karzai and Afghan ministers met with regional and Western diplomats, who agreed to create a fund to reintegrate Taliban "dissatisfied society" as they swore to uphold the Constitution. The London conference was planned by the British government and the UN, which appeared to have no problem with a view to its own resolution (SCR) 1325, which states that all peace negotiations and post-gender conflict. Only an Afghan woman who was invited - and not the Minister of Women -. And she was there to represent civil society in general, not the voice of women's demand

But the Afghan Women's Network, a coalition of 15 years, with 84 member groups and 5000 individual members could teach the rest of us a thing or two about the organization. Although they were not invited to London, four were present, requesting "that the proposed rehabilitation process is not performed at the expense of hard-won women's human rights." They did an intense lobbying, media work, and doing everything possible to convince the audience that "women are critical to achieving peace and stability." In recognition of his work, Clinton invited them to his press conference and has committed to involve women in all stages of the peace process.

But that was last year. Now, Osama bin Laden is dead and the American people are tired of war. They want out and the fact that the Obama administration. Last year, Clinton left the protection of the rights of Afghan women is a start, today, the principle seems to be negotiable

In March, the Washington Post revealed that USAID has come back on a proposed $ 140 million to help Afghan women own land. Although most Afghans depend on agriculture, only men are the owners. The initial request for proposals USAID requested specific measures to increase women's access to land, including legal assistance, public education on women's rights and incentives to save the land on behalf of the both spouses. But after the intervention of the State Department, USAID directives to new places without teeth, which simply requires that the laws of the heritage project study to see if it could be amended to include women, and only if the Afghan government supported the initiative.

Ann Jones, an American writer who has worked for years in Afghanistan, U.S. says he is in charge and could provide measures to protect women's rights if they insisted, but the people of Washington do not get it. "They believe that women's rights as an add-on that is minor and not against the consequences of supporting the warlords same age who have supported since 1979. These guys are a disaster for Afghanistan and we, because you can not establish a stable country with leaders who have no respect for the good of their people. "

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