วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Chaos in Greece amid battle to form a 'government of national salvation'

European leaders

watching nervously as prime minister beleaguered allies and trying to avoid being expelled from the euro area

politicians in Greece involved in frantic negotiations to form a government of "national salvation" on Saturday in a desperate attempt to avoid diving in Athens indebted to bankruptcy and possible exit from the EU .

As European leaders looked nervously first besieged the minister, George Papandreou, head of state visited President Papoulias Karales how to form a transitional government on a large scale so you can surf the country from its worst crisis in modern times after a week of high political theater.

"My goal is to create immediate cooperation of the government. The lack of consensus regardless of our European partners on the willingness of our country to remain in the euro area, "said Mr. Papandreou, who survived for hours before bit by a vote of confidence in Parliament." The consensus is essential for the country, "he said, adding that he was not" related "to his position and was ready to disappear.

deeply divided politics in Greece, the formation of a government will not be easy. The battle lines between left and right, as history by a brutal civil war and military dictatorship, remain deep. Offer Papandreou was shot immediately by the head of the conservative opposition party, instead of repeated calls for early elections to be held immediately, a step described as a "catastrophe" for the socialist prime minister.

"We did not ask no place in his government," said opposition leader Antonis Samaras, in a televised speech. "All I want is for Mr. Papandreou to resign because he has become dangerous for the country. We insist on the immediate holding of elections."

But a number of small groups, including Loas populist right-wing party, fought behind closed doors to overcome differences with the express purpose of creating a government that would ensure the widespread adoption of Greece in the final catastrophe of the EU-sponsored by the IMF assistance program and avoid.

Once formed, the administration will have four months to pass laws key, starting with the hard negotiated ? 130 billion (£ 112 billion) deal with the debt agreed to by the nation short of money last week. The spectrum of dry coffers of the state in mid-December - schools and hospitals and are being rapidly depleted of the essential - added to the urgency of the rescue plan approved by parliament, despite widespread anger measures austerity inevitably involves an agreement


Greece prolonged political disagreements and delays in implementing reforms, the EU powers France and Germany have threatened to suspend the bulk of ? 8 billion next tranche of aid until 'that the loan agreement is formally ratified by 300 places in Athens at home. In a major policy change after the threat, Samaras, announced last week that he would support the rescue plan will also last 50% of the value of Greek bonds are retired.

"Decisions taken on October 16 and the application of resulting measures are a prerequisite of our stay in the euro. These are critical times," he said Papandreou, who will After an emergency meeting Sunday.

elected in October 2009, the beleaguered minister was forced to first create the new government under intense pressure from their party PASOK and more social unrest. "There is so much hate, we can not even leave our homes," said a member of PASOK. "Many of us were ideologically opposed to any measures that the IMF demanded that happens, but there was nothing to do. Now they call us traitors. "

"Please enter all the Greeks also know that we are bankrupt, what others say," interrupted his friend Ioannis 25 years. "If this continues, no job and no job prospects, there will be a real problem here. Things can get nasty. Maybe people will die. "

Since the debt crisis erupted in late 2009, most Greeks believed they were on a train at high speed toward a cliff. Last week, the prospect of political instability and the rise of indignation at the austerity measures that have seen the power of the Greeks of purchase and a half, has raised concerns.

"We are on the edge of the precipice, we are about to fall," said the former Socialist deputy Giorgos Florida. "At no other time during the last century that the country has suffered denigration and humiliation last week, and the greatest humiliation of Europe changes its attitude towards us, openly questioned if our place is in the EU. "
With the crisis affecting Europe, political analysts say it is crucial that the new government is formed in the morning, during a crucial meeting of the euro group of finance ministers is held.

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