วันเสาร์ที่ 11 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Mitt Romney faces more questions on gay marriage - US politics live

Mitt Romney visit North Carolina, as gay marriage continues to rotate, while Barack Obama was greeted by George Clooney. Follow the live events


Barack Obama raised a whopping $ 15 million of your event in the

George Clooney 's home in California last night. Obama's speech is online here - but here are the jokes about Clooney:

was great, walking around the house, and the famous "Hope" poster of the 2008 campaign - people do not realize that the picture of me is actually sitting next Me George. Because George had come to Washington to advocate for Darfur and to ensure that we were doing the right thing for many people who went through those terrible events, and we became friends. And this is the first time that George Clooney has always been an image photo-shop. Never happened before. Never happened before, never happens again.

But the wonderful thing is that the artist has even sent George - some of you have seen this - an impression with my image and its image on the right next to each other in the same format. Why basically said, "Dope and Hope" I do not know. I do not think it's right. It's not fair. It's not fair.


Not so long was the "It Gets Better" campaign against LGBT bullying. In what could be a very sarcastic reference, the pro-Obama American Bridge Super PAC has set up this collection of

Mitt Romney

comments on gay marriage, entitled "The worsens ":

What is left out of many observations Romney is vaguely in favor of civil unions and gay adoption, making it seem fishy Romney, but would undermine the premise of this work successfully. Here's what Romney said yesterday:

Mitt Romney reiterated his opposition to gay marriage Thursday, but said it is well with the right of homosexual couples to adopt.

"Many gay couples to adopt children. That's great," Romney said in a televised interview with Neil Cavuto on Fox News. Romney comments come a day after President Barack Obama announced that he supports gay marriage.

The presumptive Republican nominee said he knows there are gay couples in committed relationships and have the right to live together, receive benefits and the national association can adopt children.


polling guru Nate Silver looks at the impact of President Obama

gay marriage


The truth is I do not think we really know. This does not mean that I do not think it will have no impact - although I think that overall, the coverage of news you read in major newspapers coast tends to exaggerate the extent in which social influence behavior presidential election.

Clear as mud, thanks to Nate.


There is a defense of

Mitt Romney

The New York Times in its followed the Washington Post yesterday:

Friends and associates of Romney, including several who are gays, said they were struggling to reconcile the man, apparently insensible young in a tolerant society, the care they known to adulthood.

He quotes a former Romney campaign manager, Jonathan Spampinato, saying. "I have no idea what it was when I was 18, but that does not work for Mitt Romney"


John Lauber - the student who has been the subject of the alleged intimidation by Mitt Romney aa

and his friends - died in 2004, but family members have been talking to ABC News

also corrected the story, saying that her brother was a guest, not a day student.

She described her brother as a "very unusual".
"He does not mind running with the peer group," said Christine Lauber. "What's wrong with that?"

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