วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

James Murdoch's six figure gift to UK papal visit

Doubts arise over six figures visit the Pope's gift funds Murdoch

The Catholic weekly The Tablet has a history of news and editorials on concerns about the gift of James Murdoch six digits of the Pope's visit to the UK last year, a trip he took as many of his titles as he did financing for its historic character.

According to the magazine:

James Murdoch, who is in charge of the media empire of Rupert Murdoch his father in Europe and Asia, is understood to be donated believes that at least 100,000 pounds. The day the Pope Benedict XVI celebrated Mass in Westminster Cathedral, Mr Murdoch, and other major donors to fund the visit, were introduced in the House of the Archbishop Pope.

The meet and greet led to a minor "Pope to let" firestorm in some circles. The tablet features a photograph of James Murdoch bowing Benedict found. If you have never bought the medicine before the image alone is worth the cover price.

With some understatement, the Catholic Bishop of Arundel and Brighton said the tablet that the church should "be careful with this source of money."

Kieron Conry


A conversation must take place, the discussion should take place. This is a public scandal and everyone knows the Murdoch empire is contaminated by these revelations.

Given the importance of the English bishops have joined the business ethics of the banking crisis, now would be extraordinary if the bishops were to examine the ethics of donation sources. And may raise more questions about the gifts
do not know.

not link the first or only of the Catholic hierarchy and Murdoch empire. In 1998, he received a knighthood Pontifical Rupert, largely thanks to a donation of $ 10 million at the Cathedral of Los Angeles, and last year the Guardian revealed how the media mogul enjoyed lunch with Times, James Harding and editor of the Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, Archbishop Vincent Nichols, a few weeks before Benedict visited Britain.

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