วันจันทร์ที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

We need to talk about Sellafield, and a nuclear solution that ticks all our boxes | George Monbiot

It reactors that can convert the energy of radioactive waste. The Greens should look to science rather than superstition

is a devastating admission of having to do, especially during the climate negotiations in Durban. However, there would be no point in writing this column if they were not prepared to face hard truths. This year, the environmental movement to which I belong has done more harm to the living systems of the planet, the deniers of climate change ever.

Due to the closure of its nuclear program in response to green, Germany produced an additional 300 tons of carbon dioxide by 2020. It's almost as much as the European economies, resulting from the policy of energy efficiency. Other countries are now headed in the same way. These decisions are the result of false statements almost medieval science and technology. The Greens are right about most things, our views on nuclear energy have been shaped by weapons-grade woo.

weeks ago, the Guardian reviewed the work of Dr. Chris Busby. We found that the promotion was anti-radiation pills and evidence for the people of Japan that scientists have described as unnecessary and unfounded. He also revealed that people are invited to send donations, ostensibly to help children in Fukushima, a business account Busby in Aberystwyth. We found that scientists in the NHS had revised its claim to have detected a cluster of leukemia in North Wales, and found that arose from a series of horrific statistical errors. Worse, scientists say, "all data was systematically drag." However, Busby, until our report was published, said the Green Party in the radiation. The "conclusions" are widely used by anti-nuclear activists.

last week in The New York Times, anti-nuclear activists Helen Caldicott repeated a claim that has been largely discredited, that "nearly 1 million people died from causes related to the Chernobyl disaster ". The "study" which is based account for the excess deaths from a wide range of conditions, many of which have no known relationship to radiation from Chernobyl-affected countries - and attributed to chance. These conditions are cirrhosis of the liver. There could be other possible causes in Europe? Earlier this year, when Caldicott asked to provide scientific sources of the main demands was that he was unable to do so. None of this prevented him from repeating them, or stop the spread of greens.

anti-nuclear activists have generated as much as creationists Mumbo Jumbo, anti-vaccine scare, homeopaths and the deniers of climate change. In all cases, the scientific approach was thrown backwards: people started their conclusions, then frantically looked for evidence to support

The temptation, when a mistake has been, is looking for excuses more desperate to keep the error, instead of admitting the terrible consequences of what you did. But now the UK at least, have the opportunity to make peace. Our movement can not allow this nonsense with a clear conscience, as I will describe a technology that meets all green: reduce, reuse, recycle

Let me start by context. Like other countries affected by short-term idiots of the nuclear industry at the beginning, the UK faces a massive bill for storage and disposal of radioactive waste. The same happens with the waste produced by nuclear weapons. But is it really waste, or we could look at things differently? In his book of recipes for the planet, environmentalist Tom Blees explains the remarkable potential of integral fast reactor (IFRS). These are nuclear power plants can run on older plants, which have left behind.

So there is only one question remains: where are they? In 1994, Democrats in Congress U. S., headed by John Kerry, made misleading statements that the Swift Boat campaign, which then moved against him, the closure of the research program at Argonne National Laboratory who had been running successfully for 30 years. Even Hazel O'Leary, the group of ex pression of fossil fuel has accused the Clinton administration to kill him, admitted that "there is no evidence" is needed to prove its viability.

But there is better demonstration that it is good to go: Last week GE-Hitachi (GEH), said the British government could build a fast reactor in five years to use the plutonium Sellafield and if it fails, the UK does not have to pay. A fast reactor has been operating in Russia for 30 years, and similar plants are being built in China and India. PRISM reactor proposal generation technology uses gas emissions, such as IFR, although the current proposal does not provide for the reprocessing plant. It should.

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